Chapter seven: Whispers in the Night

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Chapter Seven


I look up and see Emily standing by the entrance of the Dining Hall. Her face goes dark and her eyes flash red. Then she is gone out the door. I dash after her dodging the other students. I stop in the main hall unsure where to go. After a moment's hesitation, I head for the stairs that lead to the Training Center. The path there never seemed so long.

 I pull out the key I wear around my neck and unlock the door. It groans open. Quickly I scan the Training Center looking for Emily when I hear laughter. I turn and see Emily...outside the fence. How can she be outside the fence? That's not possible!

 "Emily!" I say in shock she truns to face me a cruel smile on her lips. 

 "Emily...please come back inside the fence. You don't have your sword! It's not safe out there. There are Trans-Bloods. Come back into the safety of the fence." I beg her. She turns toward me. Her eyes are a solid red.

"What are you doing here? Can't you just leave me alone?"  She crawls through the net and shoves past me. 


But she doesn't wait and I am left alone, in the fading daylight. I slouch to the ground my head on my knees. Curled into a ball I wait for the tears to fall, but they don't. Too many years suppressing them I guess. Emily keeps slipping farther and farther away, right through my fingertips. I can't let her fall. I can't let her fall. I repeat this to myself over and over again.

I spit out a mouthful of dirt. 

"Are you okay?" I heard someone ask. 

"I'm fine," I said trying to reassure whoever saw me fall. I pushed the hair from my eyes and looked up. Standing there was a girl with choppy brown hair. She reached down to help me up. 

"Thanks," I said to her. 

"No problem." She smiled. 

"My name is Emily. What's yours?" I brushed the dirt off my new blue vest. 

"My name is Idella." The brown haired girl inspected me for a moment. 

"Are you the one they transferred from the Creator group?" She asked me critically. I nodded. 

"Why did they switch you?" she wondered aloud. I stared at my boots embarrassed. 

"They decided that although I was smart, I was the strategy smart. I wasn't that good with the other things they tried to teach me. They decided I could use my talents better here." I mumbled. 

"How old are you?" she asked me. 

"I'm six," I told her. She looked surprised. 

"Really? I'm eight!"  I smiled at her. Suddenly a group of boys surrounded us. 

"Who's the new pipsqueak?" One of them asked. He was tall and much older than me. 

"Last time I checked we only had one annoying prissy-pants here. Where did you come from?" I attempted to make my voice strong.

 "I switched here from the Creator group." They began to laugh and my lip quivered. I had never experienced anything like this.

"Leave her alone!" the brown haired girl said to them. She stepped in front of me her hands outstretched.

"She's under my protection."

 Time passes but I barely feel it. If I don't leave soon I'll be in trouble for rule breaking. I feel a hand on my it Emily? Has she come back? 

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