chapter 1

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Bella's pov
Today I will be starting school at forks high school, although I am a junior I will probably be in most AP classes. I am surprised my adopted parents Charlie and Renee Swan are letting me go there since I told them I felt the mating pull from that direction. So Charlie called the school and told them that I will be coming to school tomorrow.  I will probably drive either my Monte Carlo or my mustang. Hmm I wonder what my mate will be like. Whelp I got to go now. Have to go on patrol.

Jasper's pov
Today I went to school with my family and at lunch Alice froze like she was having a vision. And her emotions went from happy to scared and angry. I was confused why would Alice be scared and angry. She is my mate.... or at least I think she is my mate. But lately her and Edward have been sneaking off and then refuse to go hunting with the rest of us. Then they have conversations in their head and when asked what is wrong they state that it is nothing. "Alice what's it about. Your vision. Why does it have you scared and angry?"

Alice: "nothing jasper. I am just angry because I can't go shopping next week because of the sun. And the Swan's daughter is coming here tomorrow"

For some reason I know there was more to that vision then what she was telling me and from Edward's emotions my assumption was correct, but I am not going to say anything and let it Alice this time.

Rosalie: why is a mutt coming to school here why can't she stay on the rez. What is so important that the mutt has to come to thus school when all of them mutt' s normally got to school on the rez.

Emmett: technically honey. The Swan's daughter is actually adopted, so she is not  a mutt.

After he said that Rosalie gets up angrily and storms out of the cafeteria and Emmett stand up gives me a look of apology and then went after his mate. That left me with just Edward and Alice. Before I get to say anything Edward turns to me and gives me a glare before saying.

Edward: when the swan girl starts tomorrow. You will leave her alone and do not speak to her, or touch her in any way, shape, or form. Do you understand.

I just nodded my head and gritted my teeth as I fought the major for keeping him in his mental cage. Cause me and my alter ego side the major doesn't like to be bossed around especially by weakling pussy's like Edward f...... Cullen

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