Chapter Two (Part One)

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MY CAR SKIDDED ACROSS the road. The whole scene flashed before my eyes in slow motion; the soulful eyes of the golden retriever staring into mine before I pulled the wheel to avoid hitting him; the car skidding and spinning in a complete circle before plummeting off the side of the road and into a shallow ditch.

The front end of my car slammed into the embankment, immediately activating the airbag.

My heart pounded as I tried to comprehend what had happened. The dog—was the dog all right? I tried to look out my window, but my belt held me securely in place. Okay. I had to focus on getting myself out of there, then find the dog.

I closed my eyes for a moment, taking a mental check of my extremities. Everything still had feeling. I wiggled my fingers and toes. They felt okay. I took a deep breath. My head felt funny and my chest hurt from the seatbelt restraining me during the accident. I brought my trembling hands to my face. Wincing, I gently touched my cheeks. They felt raw.

I reached up and turned the mirror. My lips parted in surprise. Red cheeks and a bloody nose. Holding my sleeve up to my nose, I tried to wipe away some of the blood. I pinched the bridge with my other hand and counted to twenty. That usually worked as a kid.

Thump! Thump! Thump!


I shrieked. My heart felt like it was about to jump out of my chest as I made eye contact with a man peering in the driver's side window.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you," he said, holding his hands up in a surrender position.

The golden retriever bounded up behind the man a moment later, tail wagging.

Oh, thank goodness. The dog is okay.

"Do you need help getting out?" he asked.

My hands trembled as I fumbled with the door handle. I looked up and nodded.

"I'm going to open the door slowly," said the man.

The door swung open, sending a cold blast of air swirling through the car.

"I'm Colton. I live just around the corner. I was taking Buddy for a walk but he slipped his collar. I couldn't get to him fast enough. I saw you swerve to avoid hitting him. Your car spun and went into the ditch so fast, I just—I just tried to get here as quickly as possible. You're bleeding. Are you okay?"

Buddy pushed past Colton and sniffed the inside of the car. Cocking his head to the side, he let out a little whine.

"I know, Buddy," he said. "I know. We're going to help her, don't you worry."

My head felt like a fishbowl. My thoughts swam haphazardly as I looked into Colton's chocolate-brown eyes and noticed his adorable dimples.

"My nose. The airbag." I tried to put words together but failed.

Colton's brows furrowed. "Do you need help getting your seatbelt off?"

I shook my head as I pressed the red release button.

Colton held out his hand.

Holding onto the wheel with one hand and reaching for Colton with the other, I managed to slide my body out of the car.

"Whoa, easy there," said Colton, holding out his arm for support. "Here, hold onto me. I'll help you back onto the road."

Buddy barked.

"It's okay, Buddy," Colton reassured his dog. "She's going to be okay."

The snow brushed against my legs as we trudged back up to the road.

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