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Lorelai, Charlotte and Rory were sitting at a table in Luke's with books spread open in front of them.

"Where's the ladies room? More coffee, please. Does Antonio Banderas live near here?" Lorelai said.

"We do not need to know how to say, 'Does Antonio Banderas live near here?'" Rory rolled her eyes.

"Oh yes we do." Lorelai grinned.

"Mom..." Rory said.

"When we're in Spain, we need to know how to say, 'Does Antonio Banderas live near here?' When in France, Does Johnny Depp live near here?'" Lorelai grinned.

"Good point!" Charlotte grinned.

"When in Rome, 'Does Gore Vidal live near here?'" Rory joked.

Charlotte smirked as Lorelai just looked at her. "You know, you look like me, yet my ways are completely lost on you." She said. "Come on, honey, put that down. You've been studying all day."

"I can't put it down, we've got finals coming up!" Rory said.

"Then how come your sister can spare some time?" Lorelai asked.

"Because I didn't leave the studying until the last minute like some people." Charlotte smirked.

"I just like to know I definitely know everything." Rory rolled her eyes.

"You know everything." Charlotte said.

"Come on, you have a piece of pie sitting there that you've been completely ignoring." Lorelai said.

"Just let me get to the end of this chapter." Rory said.

"Oh, fine. Hey, how important do you think it is to be able to say, 'Help, I'm bleeding from the head?'" Lorelai asked.

"Just bring the phrase books." Rory said.

"No. If we learn all the phrases we need, then the phrase books are one less thing we have to lug around."

"We will never be able to learn all the phrases in every language that we're going to need. Bring the books."

"Coffee?" A familiar voice said next to them.

Charlotte grinned up at Jess. "God yes! I need it being part of this family."

"Hey!" Lorelai said indignantly.

Charlotte grinned at her and started drinking the coffee Jess poured for her.

"So..uh..you free tomorrow night?" Jess asked.

"Should be. Why?" Charlotte asked.

"Meet me at Miss Patty's at 6." He said.

"Miss Patty's? Why?" Charlotte asked confused.

"Just be there. I'll explain everything then." Jess said.

"Ok. I'll see you there then." Charlotte said.

Jess nodded and walked off just as Lane entered the diner. "They're here, I've got them." She said sitting down with them.

"You've got what?" Lorelai asked.

"The brochures for my college." Lane said.

"You seem chipper." Lorelai smiled.

"I am. I have decided to make this whole Seventh Day Adventist College experience a good one. I'm going to look on the bright side, find the silver lining, and make myself some lemonade." Lane smiled.

"Good for you." Charlotte smiled. "And you can always come visit me and Rory at Yale."

"Doubt it. My mom knows they have boys there." Lane sighed.

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