Lost Ones II

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The Lost Ones built themselves a home or center as they call it. In a huge clearing somewhere in the woods of ElseWhere. It. was. huge.

A woman and a man who had built the center came home with their first child. Her name was Samantha, she adopted by the man and the woman who wanted a child of their own but decided that adoption was better than having their own especially with wars still going on that have reached ElseWhere.

They loved their daughter happily with all their heart till one day... on Samantha's fourth birthday... Samantha went into the woods when her mother wasn't looking, and her father was inside fixing the electricity in the center.

It was time to come inside when Alpha called her daughter to come inside only to find Samantha's flower basket on the ground close to the edge of the field by the woods. Alpha ran inside to get John, who working on the electricity. When she told John he immediately dropped what he was doing and they ran into the woods looking for their daughter. By the time night came to ElseWhere, John and Alpha gave up the search of their daughter and decided she was gone... They still gave their daughter a funeral.

Three months then past since Samantha's disappearance. John and Alpha decided to adopt other children.

Beta: Who now is the eldest child and daughter of the Lost Ones

Ella: The second eldest daughter of Lost Ones

Charlie(or who now wants to go by Zenny Penny): The middle child of the Lost Ones, and the eldest boy.

Delta: A middle child with Zenny Penny. the third eldest girl of the Lost Ones

Yorki: The youngest boy of the Lost Ones.

Alyssa: Ella's little sister. The youngest child and daughter in the Lost Ones.


Armen: A dog who can talk and is the house pet of the Lost Ones.

They loved and became a happy family till one day... it was rainy outside. The clouds weren't dark so no bad weather but if you stepped outside you would be drenched by the rain coming down. The family was sitting in the living room drinking hot coco, and eating cookies Alpha had baked for them.

Alpha was reading them The Book Thief, as the storm continued. Then a knock came to the door of the center. Everyone looked up in attention and confusion.

"Who could that be?," John asked. He looked over at Alpha and she shrugged her shoulders.

"I'll get it then, you and the kids stay here," John said. He wondered who could it be especially be here at this hour.

John opened the door and saw a man in military uniform. The man handed John a thick envelope and turned around, then left John standing in the doorway confused while the envelope stayed unopen in his hands.

John closed the door and opened the envelope he took out the papers that happen to be stapled together to make a thick packet.

The title read: Military Recruiting

John turned the page and read the packet. He didn't notice how much time had pasted till he saw Alpha going upstairs to put the kids to bed. He then continued reading till he finished. He became worried and concerned, He looked up to see what time it was only to see Alpha watching him.

"Is everything alright John?," Alpha asked. She was worried about him, she always gets easily worried especially if its about someone she loves.

She walked over to him, John set the packet back in the envelope and walked over to her. He leaned his forehead on Alpha's.

"Everything is alright sweetheart."

Alpha blushed at the nickname he called her. Even she had heard a million times, it always made her blush.

"I love you, John." Alpha whispered sweetly making John smile.

"I love you too, Alpha." he said. He then leaned down and kissed Alpha lightly. He then pulled back and looked at her.

She then yawned and her eyes began to take a sleepily look to them.

"Come on sweetheart, lets get you bed." John said quietly. Alpha nodded in response and yawned again. John then carried her upstairs to her bedroom, and laid her down on the bed. She began to protest but then drifted off to sleep. John kissed her forehead and tucked her in.

He then closed her door and walked back downstairs to where he left the envelope with the packet inside it. He then took out the packet and a pen and began signing the packet...

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