Their Past

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Third Person Mode

Zera and Serenity were playing in there backyard. They were only 5years old. They hear something from their house so they went to see what it was. When they came in they saw there parents fighting. " YOU JUST WANT ALL OUR MONEY!!!" Mother shouted at Father with an angry glare


As Zera heard those words she ran back outside to a tree and was breaking down while saying things. " Am I just a toy that people use and break over and over again" Zera questions herself while Serenity was still at the door hearing. " HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT ABOUT A CHILD ESPECIALLY OUR CHILDREN!" Mother shot back

Serenity had tears on the side of her eyes. " My little twin sister is nothing to Father when she means everything to me" Serenity says turning around and running to Zera to calm her down. " Zera it's okey i'm here for you" Suddenly Zera calm downed and stopped crying.

They heard Mother coming out of the house going to us saying. " Get ready for the show" She told Serenity and Zera then they got changed and went into the car/limousine. We were half way to the show until it happened. The car crash. Serenity were the only ones that survived. There Mother and Father died during the crash.

"MOTHER!!!" Zera yelled in despair while Serenity yells Father in despair

The police, ambulance & firefighters came. The policeman carried them onto a hospital bed and went to the hospital because of the traumatizing experience.

They were adopted by there aunt Ruby. They grew up their for 3years until their aunt died from a heart attack. So they were adopted again to a guy who would constantly physically and spiritually abusing them day after day. He abused them because his wife and son died a month after adopting them. He told them that it was there fault that Isa and Jacob died.

Zera and Serenity acted as if everything was fine. They applied to Ouran Academy to get away from him.


This story is gonna be for my old friends. They were my best friends. This story is about there life. I've known them ever since I was just a day old. At the very end of the book I will tell the whole real story. But the last chapter is gonna have the saddest moment. I was there when it happened. I hope that you enjoyed this little bit of the book. Please comment and vote on this book.

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