Dungeons, Queens, and Growing Babies

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He looks behind him and all around him trying to figure out who grabbed him and why he can't see him. Then he looks back at me. I look at Jackson and nod my head telling him to float Allia so I can walk towards him without him getting her. She slowly starts to rise out of my hands and I walk around her and up to Joseph. He looks at Allia in amazement and then back at me. I take everyone's invisibility shield down and Joseph sees the circle of people surrounding us, when he sees Hugh he stiffens and realizes that he isn't going to get out of this alive.

I walk over to Hugh and motion for Lena to follow. "I have an idea, but I need both of yours permission to do it," I say once I put up the shield so no one can hear us. 

"What is it?" Lena and Hugh ask at the same time.

"I think we should take him back to the castle, and put him in the dungeon. What he tried to do to us and what he did do to us won't be resolved by killing him. I think I would feel better if everything that he has gets taken away from him like he tried to do us. We will lock him in, and take away any decisions he has made for himself. Including drinking animal blood. He will be given one human every week, their throat already cut and half drained. Then when we put the human in there any blood that he lets leak out will disappear so he can't change his mind half way through the week and want to finish the human off. This way he will become accustomed to this way of life. After about 5 decades I will wipe his mind completely and he will join the guard. I believe by that time he will have forgotten why he did what he did as well with what he actually did to get put in there. What do you guys think?" I say looking at Lena. She smiled and shook her head. 

"I think that is a wonderful idea, he would rather die than sit and be forced to live a certain way  in a dungeon," Lena said looking at me. Then turning to King Hugh who looked like he was deep in thought. 

"I will let this happen Bella, but only if you will become queen. I will not put this on my shoulders and because you are as of right now only head  guard you can't make these calls so you will have to become queen in order for this to be fulfilled. When my time comes to step down you my inducted Lena as queen if you would like but I cannot step down in my reign just yet," he said looking between Lena and I, "Do you agree with this?" he says. I turn to Lena and she nods her head yes and I turn to King Hugh.

"Yes, I will take your kind offer and except it," I said bowing my head. Lena bowed the same time I did and then King Hugh left for the castle to put everything in order. I turned to the group and motioned for them to come closer. 

"We will now go back to the castle. Jackson will you please bring Allia to me. Then float Joseph with us to the castle. Make sure he is high enough that no one can see him except us," I said. After taking Allia from Jackson he floats Joseph up higher than the birds and we start walking. Rosa keeps a cloud over Joseph just on the off chance that someone may see him they will only see a cloud.

When we get to the castle Jackson literally drops Joseph and because of the sudden weight he falls flat on his face. We all laugh as the guards pull him to his feet. He has a huge wad of dirt stuck in his mouth and because his arms and hands are being held he can't get it out. We walk him straight to the dungeon not bothering to stop on the way for anything. By the time we get their it is almost time for feeding and everyone's eyes have gone black. 

"Sit here and be good and we will think about bringing you something to eat," I tell him as we turn around to walk back up the stairs. 

When we get to the throne room I notice that King Hugh has already started the renovations for my chair. I also see six other spots getting ready. There are three next to me and three next to Hugh. I hear someone walking towards the door and turn to see who it is. King Hugh walks through the door. 

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