The Run

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Bang!! I shout out of bed and run down the hall. All of the babies are sleeping. Bang!! I run down stairs I don't see anyone. Bang!! I run back up the stairs, where is that noise coming from. Bang!! There it is again. I run back upstairs and look into each room no ones there, I look in the toy room again and everyone's laying on the floor dead. I look up and Joseph  is standing on top of everyone with the babies in his arms Ethrum is sleeping on his shoulder is neck wide open. Joseph turns his head and looks at his neck them bites down as hard as he can and Ethrum screams. How could he do that to my baby? I scream and run after him puling Ethrum and his siblings out of his arms. I suck the venom out of Ethrums body and put them down behind me. Then I run at Joseph and he goes flying back before I even touch him. I look back to check on the babies and they aren't there and when I turn around and Joseph isn't there either. I walk out of the room and down the hall Serenity is on the bed and I walk back to the toy room and the kids are in there beds I lay back down in bed and as I close my eyes, then I wake up. It was only a dream. I look at the end of the bed and see Ilya packing some of  Serenity's clothes in a suit case and zipping it up, she wheels it down the hallway and takes it down stairs. She didn't notice I was awake, I remember Seren said the family was going hunting today so when Ilya took the five suit cases into the secret garage that we have about a mile or two from here I got up and as fast as I could packed all of my clothes and Lilabell, Roalinda, and Jackson's clothes in a suit case then I wake them up and brought them to my room. After I had everything we would need I and get about 500,000 dollars and take the kids and run. I leave Serenity Ethrum and tell him that if he wants to come with us he can, he decides he wants to come so I get his things packed and another 100,000 dolars and we all jump out the window and run to Port Angeles. I didn't want to leave Serenity but none of my stuff was packed and she didn't say we were going anywhere meaning she was leaving without me. Some of the kids clothes were packed to so obviously she was taking them with her. I put a shield around the kids as we approached the air port and we all got first class tickets to the castle. The castle is in  Sighișoara, Romania where the vampire king lives he is always looking for new people to join him and his guard, plus he called me last month saying that I was more than welcome to come live there if I wanted to.

As the plane started taking off all of the kids settle in their seats and lay their heads down and fall back asleep I pull out my phone it's 3 in the morning so it should get to the castle at about 3 in the after noon because we have to run to the castle after we get to the airport. The plane ride is 11 hrs and 20 minutes and we have to stop an get clothes for the kids then run to the castle from there. For now I'm going to sleep until we get there. I turn off my phone so that no one can track or call me then fall sleep.

I wake up to the sound of the intercom going off saying,  "you have to put your seat belts on, we are about to begin our descent," I look at the kids they are playing with the toys they brought as carry on, they never took their seat belts off so I don't have to worry about putting them back on them. I put my seatbelt on and start packing all of the stuff they took out. I count my money and it is all still there. I take the kids toys and put them in the bag so that they can't forget them and get ready for when we have to go to the store. I block the children's thirst as its been about a week since they fed and I can tell they are getting hungry. When they need to feed their eyes don't turn black they turn into a beautiful turquoise blue with violet specks that makes anyone near them come to the kids so its easier for them to feed. It works on animals to but they aren't able to drink animal blood because of all the human food they eat the animal blood slows them down way to much.  As the plane lands we all unbuckle when the sign lights up to and make our way off the plane. The airport here is a lot smaller than home and isn't as crowded, it isn't as easy to get lost in. As we walk out the door the sun is shining down, I didn't think of this. I decide that the only thing to do to stop us from glowing is for me to make us invisible. I mind link the kids and tell them were invisible and tell Ro to make us fly. When we get the store we fly to behind the building and she makes a cloud go over the sun so we can walk in plain view but no one will see us glow. Walking into the store everything outside goes back to normal and the could is slowly moving across the sky like it would normally. I get the kids a couple pairs of clothes and they each pick out one new toy to take to the castle and we pay for everything and leave. On our run to the castle we run through the back alleys and what forests there are. Once we get to the castle we knock on the back door after a few minutes someone opens the door and says to follow her. She has blond hair that is up in a perfect bun on the top back part of her hair. Her eyes are a red color with light green around the edges. She is about the same height as me and walks in silence the whole way there. I feel drawn to her in a way. Not how I felt to Serenity or Joseph, it is stronger some how. Like I want to be with her but as well need to be with her. With Joseph he blinded me and wouldn't let me be me, Serenity protected me and I felt obligated to love her as a pay back. With this girl though she made me feel safe like I was worth something more and we only just met.

At the end of the hall I saw really huge doors, as we walk through the doors I see a single thrown  at the head of the room facing an even bigger door that was probably the entrance for humans. There is another door behind the thrown that probably lead to the rest of the castle where the guards and everyone have their rooms. On the thrown is a man that looks to be in his late twenties that has shorter hair that is pushed to one side and a sadistic smile with piercing red eyes with black around the edges, as he watches the latest rule breaker get his head pulled off.

After he is burned the girl walks into the center of the room and we follow her when she motions for us to stay and we stop, she walks up and talks to Hugh. She must be able to talk very quietly because I can't hear a word she is saying. After about two or three minutes of them talking she walks back and stands next to me. I look at Hugh as he stands up and gracefully walks over to my children and me. He puts his hands on my head to learn all of my abilities then steps back and looks at me. He can't see them he knows they are there but they're all blurry. He asks to touch the kids' heads and I give him permission knowing that theirs won't be blurry I keep all of them as close to me as possible.

"Mommy who is that man?" Lilabell asks me. I look at her then Hugh.

"That is King Hugh," I tell them all as I bend down a fix her dress. She looks over at him.

"He scares me Mommy," she tells me looking away and hiding in my neck.

"He won't hurt you baby girl, none of you," I say pulling all of my children as close to me as possible. They look up at me and smile. I look back at Hugh and see him watching all of us intently.

"I could never hurt you, your to beautiful," he says looking at me.

"We would like to know if we can stay? Would that be okay? I would be on the guard and if the children get old enough before it is time for us to leave I'm sure they would love to be on the guard as well. I will show you my powers after we agree on something," I tell him looking at the children when I say that we might be here long enough for them to grow up.

"Yeah I think the would work. As long as your powers will be of use to me," he says after about a second or two of thinking. I look at him and enter his mind.

She could be a vital source, she could give me tips on where Joseph is, she might even have the chance of becoming queen. I won't say anything though or she might be expecting it. I will tell her when the time is right.

I leave his mind and look at him as though nothing happened.

"Before I agree completely I want to know your power though," he said coming closer. I let my guard down on all of my powers except mind reading and mind jumping. I don't want him to think that I heard what he just thought. Putting his hand on my head caused him to go flying back.

"Sorry, I forgot I had that power," I told him going to help him up. I turn off that power and tell him its ok for him to look again and that I turned off the power. He puts his hand on my head again then smiles.

"Lena, take this girl and her children to there room and help them get settled." the king said and we walked out of the room.  

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