Marble Eyes

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"Ordinary, you say? Oh, no no no." I shook my head with a little chuckle. "Her eyes are brown. A very common colour, yes, but those eyes are from ordinary. Ever since I've had a good look in her eyes, I have started seeing the colour brown very differently, more strongly. Starting from the deep shade of honey coloured ring that circled the black depth of her pupils, it spread out into a darker shade of brown, with deep lines, like cuts, reaching the edge of her iris, like a smooth dark brown linen cloth tightly stretched over a smooth surface. Yeah, laugh all you want! It may seem corny but you just can't help noticing the simple details of her eyes that were too intriguing to not amaze you. The lines in her iris are the most interesting factor, I suppose. So magnificent, its like looking at the top of a volcano while you're high up in the sky. That's what I always think, no exaggeration. Oh and, you know what the most wonderful part is about her eyes? Its that all of what I just defined about them seems to be made of marble! I know, right?! It amazed me too! Marble! Its like she has richly coloured marbles fixed in the whites of her eyes which gives them a glossy yet tough look. They look warm and soft when she's happy, but when she's mad, they remind you of the cold roughness of broken marble  Other, commonly defined beautiful eyes usually have a mix of multiple colours in them, but hers, no, they hold shades of only brown which are worked together so impressively that they make her eyes distinctive. Of course, all you gotta do is notice. That's how the world works; notice, and you'll always find something worth looking at."

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