Chapter 31: Listen To You Breathing

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Rain happened to be looking over at Jack in class when he glanced at his phone and read the message. She tapped her pen briskly on her desk, getting the attention of Nadine, who was sitting next to him. Nadine looked at Rain, saw her pointing, and looked next to her.

Jack looked ghastly. He was ashen under his tan, his lips pale. He'd sagged sideways in his seat, and was in danger of falling over. Nadine reached for him, and his eyes were wide as he looked over at her, but she didn't think he saw her.

She grasped his arm firmly and pulled him back upright, bracing him. She held fast until she was sure he wasn't going to faint.

Around this time, Teresa noticed that all was not right with the lone male in their group, and looked at him in concern. She exchanged glances with her two girlfriends, but none of them knew what was wrong.

Jack gave Nadine a look of gratitude as he pulled his arm from her grasp, letting her know he was okay, and began gathering his things. The three girls saw him and began to follow suit.

"Mr. LaGuardia?" The professor asked from the front of the classroom. "Is the lecture boring you today?" The class tittered.

"No sir, sorry," Jack said as he shouldered his bag. "I have an emergency, someone's in the hospital. I have to go." He quickly descended the steps.

"Us too," Rain called cheerfully as the three young women followed him. "Sorry, sir."

They caught up with Jack in the hallway, though he was practically sprinting out of the building. "Jack!" Nadine called. "Jack! Wait up! What happened?"

"Kelsey's in the hospital," Jack explained as he headed for the parking lot. "She ODed on heroin. It sounds like she snorted it, thinking it was cocaine."

"Oh my god, like Mia Wallace," Rain murmured.

"Who?" Jack murmured, trying to remember where he'd parked his car.

"Uma Thurman's character in Pulp Fiction," Teresa supplied.

Jack nodded, still scanning the parking lot.

"Is she in a coma?" Nadine asked.

At her question, Jack stopped walking, dropping his backpack. He bent over, gasping for breath, hands on his knees.

"Shut up, Nadine, Jesus!" Teresa snapped. "He's hyperventilating." She pushed Jack down. "The curb's right under you, Jack, just sit for a sec."

Teresa slapped at Nadine, making her curly hair bounce. "What's the matter with you? Why would you even ask him something like that? Idiot!"

She turned back to Jack. "Head between your knees, querido, that's it, deep breaths."

Jack obediently did what he was told, staring at the asphalt between his shoes as he breathed. He could feel the girls' hands, warm and comforting, on his back, as Teresa and Rain continued to heap abuse on poor Nadine for asking such an impolitic question.

He finally lifted his head, even laughing a little bit. "Come on, guys, leave poor Nadine alone." He got serious as he rose to his feet. "It's a legit question," he continued, picking up his backpack. "And yeah, to answer it, it sounds like she is."

This got all three girls quiet.

"Look, my car's right there," Rain said, pointing. "Let's get it, and I'll drive you to yours, and we'll take both to the hospital, okay?"

Jack nodded, and they all got into her little Renault and headed down the hill to where Jack finally remembered he'd parked. Teresa got into his car with him and drove it, telling him he was in no shape to get behind the wheel, and all four of them headed to Cypress Hills Hospital, a private care facility in Westwood. While they were in the car, Jack told Teresa what he knew.

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