Chapter 8

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Niall waltzed out of the apartment, wanting to slam the door behind him, but deciding against it, wanting Molli to get better peacefully.

Her walked out into the thick blur of darkness heading into the car that awaited the adventure. His car roared through the sleeping streets. His eyes scanning each bum walking the streets. The radio was off, no sound except the heavy breathing of Niall. His teeth gritted, his hands hitting the steering wheel in frustration.

His eyes widend, shock at the fact he was really doing this. He'd always thought of doing this but he couldn't deal with the aftermath.

He climbed out of the jet black car, sat outside a block of flats. His feet heavily against the concrete of the street, his dyed hair moving in time with the wind. The door slamming loud and harshly, bedroom lights were turned on and curtains were peeled back, looking to find the source of disruption. The night masking Niall, saving him from any trouble. For the neighbors at least.

He walked away from the car, approaching the entrance of the flats. He stormed through the self opening double glass panel doors, towards the elevator. Earning himself dirty looks from the door man sitting behind the desk. Judgmental fuck. He stored his words, energy and anger for the situation that lay ahead. God knows he would need all three. His mind went over every possible situation that could happen, each word that could be spoken whilst the elevator took him to where he loathed to be. The dinging of the bell snapping Niall out of his daydream.

His fists balled tighter and tighter as he fast approached the door, his fist colliding with the glass panels on the plasticity door. The lights flicking on it the front room, sounds of mutter cursing meeting Nialls eyes.

He thinks he has the right to cuss? He thinks HE has the fucking RIGHT to cuss?

The thought making Nialls blood boil. His fist pounding harder, sure to leave some kind of chip or dent, blood rushing to Niall hand trying to protect the already forming bruise.

The muffled sound of a key turning a lock mentally prepared Niall for what was happening.


The door swung open. The image of Harry dressed only in the worn white shirt and tight black boxers. One hand rested on the inside door handle and the spare rubbing tiredly against his eyes. His husky voice laced with sleep deprivation.

"Dude, what the fuck? It's like 1 in the morning, couldn't this wait you prick?"

The word prick setting Niall off, the once playful banter filled word now just a pit of no respect.

Niall burst through the door, welcoming himself into the familiar flat. Harry shot his arms up to his shoulders his palms facing Niall signalling him backing down.

Nialls eyes a deep blue, his breathing fast and irregular. The whole atmosphere screaming at Harry that something isn't right.

"What the fucks gotten into you?"

He questioned harshly, the sleepy tone replaced with an annoyance and irritation. Niall met Harry's anger influenced defence. Niall spoke coldly through gritted teeth.


Harry's hands flew into the air, slamming the door shut for the argument that would follow.


His eyes flashed with shock but almost immediately being replaced by deep anger and annoyance. An unimpressed chuckle spread across his face.

"Is poor little Niall angry that we left without him"

He said, in his most mocking, humiliating baby voice. Niall lost it, like never before. His hands clenched tightly around the neck of Harrys shirt, throwing him against the thin, un-soundproof wall. His face inches away from his. Both mouths exuding heat and anger fueled heavy breaths. Usually Harry overpowers Niall in both strength and stamina or so he presumed. Niall wasn't himself anymore, like a monster of the night was released in his body and thriving off the emotions built over the past couple weeks.

"Fuck. You." Niall spat.

"You have it fixed in your head that you're untouchable, That you say and do anything you want and you'll get away with it. But you know what? Not anymore. You're a piece of shit styles. I'm a piece of shit for putting up with your shit.."

A forceful shove pounded against Niall chest pulling him to the floor with a hard force. The tall lean, half dressed figure stood over the fallen Niall.

His callused fingers tracing over his own jawbone, a cocky, irritated half smirk consumed his right side.

"Is this? No." He spoke to himself before locking eye contact with Niall who had collected himself to his feet.

"Is this because of that girl!" His arms flying into the air, pointing in random places out of pure frustration. He took Nialls angered silence as an answer to his question.

"It fucking is! She's a quiet little freak who needs to just disappear cause she's just a waste of oxygen and space.."

Nialls voice was a low deadly whisper, the type that sends chills down your spine.

"Why can't you be nice.. Is there something wrong with you that makes you unable to stop these, these poisonous words from leaving your mouth! I've been your friend for years, and never once have I been so ashamed to of known you. You were pure evil today. She's never done anything to hurt you..she's no threat, Why? Why hurt her? Why hurt anyone? I'm so done with this shit!"

Nialls hand reached for the handle, before being blocked by Harry.

He spoke through tight gritted teeth.

"And Why the fuck do you all of sudden care so much"

Nialls eyes scanned the floor, desperate for any kind of distraction to keep him away from his thoughts.

His words came out loud and forcefully.

"BECAUSE" His voice cracked, a deep meaning consuming his eyes.

"Because.." He spoke quiter.

"I know What this shit does to people..." There was more depth to his statement but Harry didn't bother calling it out, instead he moved his barricade of a body from the doorway and watched as Niall stepped into the darkness of the morning.

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