Chapter 2

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Molli's back was to the new voiced character. It was him, from english. The abuser, the tourmentor, it was him, he was here...Oh god no, Molli couldnt be his tutor. Her lip quivered her eyes bloodshot with worry she looked at Niall hoping he could somehow save her from this soul destroying situation but his eyes were gone, along with his body. Molli turned to see Niall engaging in a deep friendly conversation with fear itself. His body language said he was calm, relaxed and collect where his eyes suggested something else, his blue eyes deepened locked on the the figures jaw line, almost as if he didn't want to look up, as if something was restricting the eye contact. Nialls pale hand tapping the strong builds back before exiting the library.  That must of been his version of a man hug. Molli's powdery eyes locked on the the beasts face. His chiselled jaw highlighting his beauty, his evil, soul sucking, demonic beauty.. Molli stood unaware of her staring state.

"Didn't anyone ever teach you staring is rude?" He spat out the words with every ounce of hatred he could gather. He circled the frozen Molli before walking to  the marked out table, taking the closet seat, which happened to be Nikki's. He pushed the organized purple folder across the table. It barely being stable on the edge. Molli's body sent a cold sensation down her spine, bringing her back to the situation. Her weak legs barely supporting her weight. She walked over to the remaining seat, it was slightly warm from Nialls past presence. Molli sat quietly and stifly in the chair, picking at her nails. A few minutes passed and no form of contact was made what so ever. The hatred filled figure just simply refused to engage with the innocence with is Molli. Molli being too scared to breath let alone talk, she had more hope of breaking down crying.

"you know I don't want to be here as much as you" He leant in further, the curls on his forehead brushing against Molli's

"Me more than you..I could be out doing anything better than this but no, I'm stuck in this bullshit tutorial piece of crap with an annoying fuck who doesn't even speak so fuck knows how you're going to teach me anything!" Anger flared across his features, his fist clenched, his nostrils flaring. His tongue poking the bottom corner of his lip. His voice coming out in a judges, stern voice "So babe." His hatred spilling out from his eyes, across the table and filling the room. "I suggest you get teaching" He leant back slouching in his seat, chewing harshly on his gum. The mint scent radiating from his mouth onto Molli's cheeks.She tore her eyes away from the swirl of ink revealed beneath the thin white shirt. "Well, umm, err.." Her mind went blank, the only thing going through her mind was

Just say something. Anything..Well not anything. Say something work related...But don't sound nerdy, or dumb sound informed,  yeah informed. Ask him his current working at grade, that's a good start..well it's a start.

That mocking voice spoke up yet again "umm err ummm you have got a voice right?" Molli's head raises, giving him a look of pure innocence and fear mingled together. The tattooed boy gave her an acknowledging look, stating he knew she was scared, he wasn't sorry but she should continue. The words repeated in Molli's mind.

Ask him his current working at grade.

Ask him his current working at grade.

Ask him his current working at grade.

Her lips parted.

"What's your name" She blurted out. For fuck sake, for the second time today her mind failed her. "Nosy little shit aren't you?" A smirk creeps onto his face, his hand rubbing the little stubble that had collected on his face. Molli looked to her feet, the ball of her foot bearing a circular pattern into the floor.

"It's Harry. Harry styles. And you're Molli Ryan the quiet nerdy fuck." Molli sighed silently just as the raspy voice spoke again.

"Oh, and you also work at Mona's Kitchen."

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