Thanksgiving Headcanons!

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So, these just popped into my head. I don't really get to spend a lot of time with family over Thanksgiving and the Newsies don't have a tradition family, but does that stop them from celebrating and being grateful for what they do have? No! So, enjoy these headcanons and the holiday guys!
So, Davey and Katherine both have families that they can celebrate the holiday with
The Newsies don't
They normally try to save up as much money as they can before the holiday and buy as much food as they can from Jacobi's and a little bakery nearby
One year Davey and Kath decide to surprise the Newsies with a mini Thanksgiving feast
Davey brings in some simple stuff like some homemade stuffing, some simple soups, and maybe some turkey samwiches
Kath brought the nicer dishes. The oyster pie, chicken pie, the desserts, etc
The two of them sneaked over to the lodging house and prepared the small banquet
The boys came back with what little food they could buy which was some potatoes, cranberry sauce, maybe a sandwich or two
But then they see Davey and Kath there with food that they've never had or even seen
The younger boys are all really excited because they haven't seen this much food in their life!
Some of the older boys get a bit emotional because they don't remember the last time they actually had food like this
Of course at first most of them try and dig in right away but Jack wanted them all to show some manners
They all got a plate, the older boys serving the younger ones making sure they got enough food
Once they all got some food both Davey and Katherine gave a short blessing in Hebrew for any other Newsies who were Jewish followed by other Newsies saying blessings from the religion they follow (I would go into this, buuuuut I'm lazy)
Then they all dug in and had the best meal they've ever had

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