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I made this like, 4 years ago or something. It's quite literally the WORSE thing I've ever conceived. With that being said, to celebrate the release of Zootopia+, I'll be periodically republishing each of my 73 chapters. They will be completely unedited. For those who haven't already read it yet though...good luck....

Warning: this story is NOT ment to be taken seriously XD

Jack: *walking down a street* you know i had the most intriguing idea about how to spend our time this evening.

Casey: .-.

Jack: what?

Casey: you speak so weird °3°

Jack: that my dear runs in the family line.

Casey: interesting family line

Jack: indeed. It comes rather naturally

6: Just like this ass kicking you're about to receive! *steps in front of him*

Jack: *sighs* can we do this another time?

6: NOPE *has a knife*

Jack: 6 dont engage.

6: *throws it*

Jack: *catches* BOI you're trash


Jack: =-= *smacks him*

6: *whimpers*

Jack: that response was appauling. Please get a life, leave me alone, and never return OR I WILL RIP OUT YOUR SPINAL CORD. do you understand?

6: .-. Yes

Jack: lol now leave

6: *runs into a pole XD LOL COMEDY HAHAHAHAHA kill me*

Casey: .-.

Jack: anyways i was planning on going to a restaurant or something.

Casey: we just went to a-

Jack: SHUSHGH! We cant refrence real life restaurants. Lol animal-lize it

Casey: ...uh...animal bees?

Jack: *ears start bleeding* okay i think i just attained critcal levels of cancer from that. I suggest we never try that ever again. *twitches*

Casey: you're pretty weird you know that.

Jack: not as much as your brother =b

Casey: *punches his arm* shut up *radio makes noises* we have a task!

Jack: WE DO!? *gasp* TO THE BATMOBILE *slides over the hood of the car*

Casey: *rolls her eyes and follows*

Jack: *enters* okay. Whats the coordinates?

Casey: *gets in* idk lol

Jack: *sighs* woman. Dont worry i got it *drives to to place* IM EPIC! *crawls out the window and falls on his head* ow *gets up and dust himself off*

Crimnal: .-.

Jack: uh YOU! surrender or you will be apprehended *relizes he doesn't have a weapon* ...by her

Crimnal: ....*slowy aims gun at them*

Jack: OY! *Gets behind car*

Crimnal: *sprays bullets everywhere*


Casey: *gives him an 9 millimeter*

Jack: okay one second *slows his breathing* perfect *shoots him in the chest*

Crimnal: *stops*

Jack: *moves from car and keeps shooting him as he get closer towards him*

Crimnal: *falls*

Casey: did you just kill him?!

Jack: nah. People this big are merely incapacitated.

Casey: phew.

Jack: no come on. I think thats enough for one day

Lol i dont even know what this is XD

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