Chapter 1

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"Fifty minutes!" I yell at Niall as I make my way to the couch he was sprawled on. I block his view of the big screen that showed men kicking a ball and he glares at me. "You kept me waiting for fifty minutes at Alejandro's before you had the time to call me just to cancel on me?" I fumed.

"Sorry, babe." he says absentmindedly. He obviously was not listening to a word I've said. "I forgot to tell you there was a big match today." he says as he pulls me to sit on the couch beside him. If it were another day, I would have found this cute. But knowing Niall, he pulled me into his arms just so I wouldn't block the telly.

"Niall, it's our second year anniversary." I sigh. "Shouldn't it matter much more than some lame footie match?"

"We'll have another anniversary next year. This match only happens once." he says as he plants a wet kiss on my head.

"You can just watch it on the internet, I'm sure some people post it online." I wrap my arms around him. "Come on, let's go to Yummy Garden." I put on the most seductive smile I can muster. "You said you were craving for Chinese food the other day."

"Yaaaah did it again!" Niall yells as some guy scores a goal. "What were you saying?" he asks as he turns to face me.

"Never mind. It seems like you don't give a fuck anyway."

"Nikey, you know I do." he pouts.

"Prove it." I say as I take my clothes off. "Come score a goal, Horan." I say as I bite my lower lip. He brings his mouth to mine and I taste heaven. His tongue explores the caves of my mouth and I moan as his hands brush against my breasts. I try to take his shirt off but another guy scores a goal.

"Wow! Legend!" Niall giggles. "Go kick their ass!" he yells. "That's me boy!" he says as a tall guy steals the ball from a tiny man.

"I'm done." I grab my dress from the floor and dress up. "You would deny your lovely girlfriend of two years sex just to watch a stupid Derby match? This is absurd."

"You're absurd!" Niall yells. "If you're offended just because I won't put a stick on you, that's pretty lame, Nike." he grunts. Nike. Not Nikey. He just called me Nike. Niall only calls me by my full first name when he's mad.

"Are you insinuating that I'm a dick craving slut?" I raise my voice. Okay maybe I was being one. But who could blame me? I was a woman of proper age who hasn't seen her boyfriend for two weeks.

"All I'm saying is you've known me long enough to know how much I love football. You should have known better."

"So you love a stupid sport more than you love me, an actual person who actually loves you back?"

"That's not what I said!"

"But it was what you meant."

"Let's not have this fight now." he says as he turns up the volume.

"Oops I'm sorry I had chosen a day when there was a Derby match to have a fight with my boyfriend." I smile sarcastically.

"Drop it." he says firmly.

"I'm so tired of having to fight for your attention."

"Let's just break up then." Niall murmurs.

"Gladly." I say as I storm out to the bedroom to grab all of my things from his closet. I take one last look at the room that had been like my own for a few months now. "It was nice knowing you." I whisper as I put my copy of the keys beside the lamp on top of the huge desk. I don't look at Niall as I pass by the living room but I doubt he even felt my presence. Even so, deep inside, I knew I was waiting for him to stop me. I approach my small white car and just when I turn on the engine, I felt like a dumb fuck. Did we really just break up over something so stupid? I get out of the car and head back to the door of Niall's flat.

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