Chapter 2

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It's dedicated to my twin (from another mother^_^ but we do share the same date and birth year!) enigmaticmuslimah who, I don't know if she remembers, was the first to encourage me to post my writing here on wattpad. She always has a stock full of great advices for me and is always concerned whenever I disappear for a lengthy period:) I love you to bits:) Start posting your work again we're all wating>_<

A little far away from the group, Katherine Smith sat on a moss covered rock contemplating on how far she could stretch her endurance level when she was already physically and emotionally drained from dealing with the recent cataclysm. She eyed the stranger with the grey robe or cloak, whatever they called it, with so much contempt in her deep blue eyes that any person would tremble under her condescending gaze.

"Filthy terrorists" she muttered under her breath through gritted teeth.

She wondered why the other people were even accepting her help. Criminals like her shouldn't be allowed to walk freely among common people. Suddenly she felt an intense pain shoot through her left calf which almost made her scream out in agony. She got quite a few cuts and bruises while trying to get herself out of the plane, but until then, she didn't think it was anything that needed medical attention. But try as she might, she couldn't lift up the garment of her skin hugging denims in order to take a better look. So she did the next best thing she could. Katherine decided to distract herself enough so the pain would go away.

After most of the injured people were taken care of, Wasifa finally managed to take a break and stretch. The humid forest weather was so uncomfortable that it put an added stress on their already strained nerves. Looking around, she noticed most of the people were helping themselves to the little amount of drinking water and food that could be retrieved from the plane. Her eyes caught the sight of a women perched up on a rock in a distance. Shoulders hunched and staring off into space, eyebrows furrowed as if to ward away something unpleasant.

Wasifa lingered for a second, then took a hold of a water bottle and made her way towards the person. Just as she took a few steps, the women looked up and met her gaze, and the stern reprehensible stare directed towards her stunned her in her tracks for several seconds. Wasifa was well acquainted with the process of a cold and harsh treatment, but if 35 years of life had taught her anything, it was to never give up. So she continued her way towards her anyway.

Reaching the lady, Wasifa greeted her with a tentative smile and extended the bottle of water towards her.

"Here, it looks like you could use some water"-she voiced.

From the moment Katherine saw the woman approaching, she was seized with a sense of panic and apprehension. She cursed her fate for the misfortunes that it bestowed upon her in a span of a day. She pushed herself off the rock and stood, careful to put all her body weight on the right leg.

Hands fisted by her sides, she retorted with a cold tone, "I'd rather die than take help from someone like you"

Her remark didn't surprise Wasifa in the least but the pure hatred and resentment radiating from her eyes and the defensive body language told her that there was a story behind that belligerent demeanor. Nevertheless, with a polite smile and no further exchange of words, Wasifa put the bottle down by Katherine's side and took a seat on a rock nearby.

Katherine detested being in the presence of the woman whose twisted faith and so called morals she hated with a passion. They were nothing better than self-righteous hypocrites, who presented themselves to be peaceful and then committed murder of innocent people in cold blood. Each and every one of them was a coward, who even had a little book of commandments to justify their heinous actions. Killing was in their body, mind and soul. Her blood boiled in sheer rage in her system. In utter aggravation, she clenched her hands in tight fists to refrain herself from lashing out. She was heaving with suppressed anger.

Nearby, Wasifa suddenly noticed a small puddle of blood gathered under the woman's feet and looking up she discovered the source was her left leg. Her pants were soaked with blood from calf-down and the flow of blood wasn't stopping.  Wasifa's doctor's instinct kicked in. She was on her feet the next moment and was hurrying towards Katherine. Katherine saw the woman approaching again and groaned in her mind, she didn't have the strength to have another verbal fight again.

"What do you want now?" she bit out.

Wasifa indicated towards the wound in her left calf, "You're losing a lot of blood fast. It can lead to serious consequences if it's not treated right way. And if you don't want an infection to go with it, I suggest you let me have a look at it, please" she added as an afterthought.

Looking down at her leg, Katherine felt nauseated and light-headed at the sight of her own blood. She was using every fiber of her being to muster up the courage to hold onto her resolve. Which, to her great dismay, was slowly fading away.  Suddenly the pain intensified and she let out an agonizing scream. The pressure inflicted on her wounds by of the garment of her pants was making it hurt even more.

Wasifa didn't waste any time, she took out her surgical knife along with other equipment and just when she extended her hands towards Katherine, she let out another shriek. "Don't touch me with your filthy hands! Just leave me alone!'' She spat out.

"I don't need help from people like you. So what if you're not with the rest of your lunatic community? Each and every one of you is the same. Cowards and killers! Killing is in your blood." She was shaking uncontrollably by the time she had finished her tirade.

"I will not accept help from the people who killed my little brother", she wanted to scream, but refrained herself. She wouldn't show a single trace of weakness, she decided with conviction. But the excruciating pain was killing her.

'It eventually will' a voice whispered in her head. But she refused to give in.  

Wasifa was astonished by her outburst for a few seconds but she schooled her expressions quickly, the fog of confusion surrounding the woman was clearing bit by bit. She was now certain that some traumatizing experience in the past was definitely behind such reaction to her and none could comprehend it more than herself.

But she was getting restless watching the scene unfold before her, the more stressed the woman got, the more her muscles strained and more blood spilled. At this rate, it was impossible for her to survive the next two hours.

So for the final time with unwavering determination and a silent prayer sent towards the sky to The Most Omnipotent, she approached Katherine yet again.

And with as much sincerity as she could muster, she practically pleaded, "I know that I am the last person you want assistance from, right now. I promise you, I won't make you suffer my presence a minute more than necessary. As much as the idea of taking my help repels you, bleeding to death in this middle of nowhere can't possibly be an easier solution. So please, let me have a look and do what I can."

Wasifa held her breathe and waited for Katherine's aggressive response which did not come. Instead she  lifted her face towards Wasifa and the agonizing pain both physical and emotional that she currently held at bay by a thread, shone profusely in her eyes. And that was all the permission Wasifa needed.   

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