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The ride to the space ship was quiet. Obviously we were just a bunch of strangers who really didn't know each other and only knew we were survivors of a deadly war.

No one spoke and really just avoided eye contact.

Even Nya who was always talkative was silent for more than a minute which was a new record. Hero was asleep on the floor near my feet. The pilot preferred not to have an animal on board and he sort of already did his business in a corner which no one seemed to notice.

Hours later it felt like I was sitting in gym class again cuz my butt was in agony from sitting on a cold hard metal surface for so long. It was a little chilly too being in space and all.

It brought back terrible past memories and I was relying on my friends to keep my sanity intact. They were nearly the same. Finally I heard shouting and I leaned over to see what the conflict was about.

The soldier seemed to be nervous and it didn't help with my anxiety at all.

"What's going on?" Madi asked softly.

"I'd rather not tell ya." I replied.

Seconds later tension was in the air and everyone was antsy. There was a rough jerk and I shrieked from the unexpectedness. Hero was already awakened from the smell of fear hormones and was trying to calm me down.

People were now panicking and asking for answers.

"Everyone calm down!" The soldier demanded.

The lights got dark and I shivered feeling a shudder go down my spine and my gut get heavy from dread. We suddenly stopped entirely and everyone was silent. I grabbed Hero and held him between Nya and I looking around.

I could feel the ship being pulled up. Kind of like when your on an elevator. Then just as soon as it came it disappeared. The soldier grabbed his gun and aimed at the door making everyone more concerned.


I shrieked as the door in the back suddenly exploded. Scrap metal went flying and a couple people were instantly killed. Madi who was the closest of the three of us to the door was thankfully unharmed.

The soldier fired randomly into the smoke until something glowing and purple went whizzing past us and went right into him. I shrieked desperately trying to get out but the restraints were locked.

Hero started barking and all color left my face as the long necked aliens I heard called covenant stepped through. I shut Hero up by pinching his mouth shut and gulped as it clicked and hissed before pulling out its sword.

It slashed the restraints of all us and they slammed onto the floor, "Move!"

We all quickly scrambled out and were shocked to find even more Covenant of all types aiming their weapons at us. I shuddered pressing Hero to my chest tighter. An elder woman finally stepped up with only one arm wearing simple dull clothes and a lab coat. She scanned all of us until her eyes settled upon me.

The woman stared for a few seconds before she finally said, "Her. The girl with the animal."

I looked around stupidly until I realized that she was really talking about me. Elites stepped forward and Hero growled. I was barely holding him as he wriggled ready to attack and protect me.

The elder woman stepped forward halting the aliens from stepping closer, "You are (Name) if I'm not mistaken correct?"

"Y-Yes." I replied.

"Come with me then."

I looked at my friends and gave them a nod letting them know I was going to be okay before stepping out. I followed her away from the room down the hall. Covenant were staring at me like fresh prey but after one look from the woman they would avoid eye contact.

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