Chapter 18

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"Were here my heroes." Solar said while looking at Carol and Barry waking up.

"What?" Barry gasp seeing that they were in the control room seeing a green and pink planet in view.

"What is that?" Carol ask looking at Julian fly to ship to the planet fast.

"Freedom that's what my Star Sapphire and with the help of you two. I will get something that I have lost." Solar said looking at Carol and Barry.

They finally enter the planet's atmosphere and they landed the ship. Julian got off the control chair and took out his sword gun and shove the heroes outside the ship. Solar was walking next to them and they walk out the ship. Barry gasp in amazement when he saw beautiful creatures watching them. Carol was looking around too and spotted an abandoned temple. Solar pointed at it and push the heroes towards the temple.

"What is that?" Barry said looking at Solar who was determine.

"My prize. Let's go!" Solar said walking forward.

Barry sigh and followed behind knowing that he can't do anything because of the inhibitor collar on him and Carol's ring was taken including his too. They followed through a dark hallway but Solar and Julian body were glowing making them as their light. They walked and walked and finally they made their destination.

"Finally...tie them up now, Julian!" Solar order.

Barry and Carol had enough and tried getting free but Julian and Solar used their magic and made them go unconscious making our heroes see the villains dragging them to the stones bed.

~With Hal~

They two landed in the green and pink planet and all the lanterns were confused about this location. Hal was looking through his ring and seeing that it was an unknown location for everyone. Everyone shook their head and flew forward seeing the same creatures who were now screaming and pointing towards the abandoned temple.

"Their trying to tells us something." John said watching the alien creatures.

"The temple. That's where they have our friends!" Walker said looking at the team.

"Let's go!!" Halorder and flew to the temple with the other lanterns behind.

~Inside the Temple~

"Finally. Put their rings on and start the ritual now!!" Solar said while putting Barry's blue ring on.

"Understood." Julian said and put Carol's too.

Their body started to glow so bright of the color of their ring making Solar and Julian cover their eyes. Barry and Carol gasp in pain and looked around trying to see what was happening.

"Were chain!!" Barry gasp trying to use his ring just like Carol.

"It's no use heroes. Your rings power is being suck in just like your soul!" Solar smiled brightly.

Carol growled in anger and tried pulling at the chain but she yelled in so much pain when she felt her power and soul being ripped from her just like Barry who was screaming in so much pain. Hal and everyone gasp when they heard their friends screaming in so much pain making Hal fly faster.

"Hurry everyone!!!" Hal shouted already getting scared for Barry's and Carol's life.

Solar smirk when she saw it was working including Julian and watch as Solar step toward the heroes who were screaming in pain. She took out her wrist and cut her wrist dropping some blood watching it fly to the orb of power of hope and love from the two heroes. She laugh in happiness and saw the main thing she wanted.

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