Selling My Soul for His Aston Martin. (4) *Edited*

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I looked down at my smowman pajamas and shrugged. "They're comfortable."

He shook his head and got out his laptop, starting it up. "Come here, I need you to help me with something."

"What is it?" I asked, walking over to him. "'Cause I'm horrible at technological stuff. Forget going on the web, I don't even know how to get to Google."

He smiled. "Don't worry, it's nothing like that."

I sat in the airplane seat next to him and folded my legs up to my chest (with some difficulty).

He continued, "I'm going to write up a contract and get it notarized when we land."

"What for?"

"The agreement between you and Will. So give me some details."

"Well, I'm going to be with you guys for six to eight months, helping him complete his bucket list, and in exchange he's going to give me a brand new Aston Martin One-77."

"Nice car." He said approvingly. "What color?"

"Um. Black, I guess. What do you know about cars?"

"My dad helps produce foreign cars. It's kind of a family thing. You?"

"I love cars. I had a choice between dancing and becoming an engineer, but I chose dancing because it's more of my thing."

"Okay. Do you have any extra conditions that you wanted to set or anything?"

I thought about it, then shook my head.

"Okay. That's it, thanks." He was typing away. Will was snoring in the seat across from us, in a position that couldn't be comfortable. I looked at Drew. "So how'd you take the news?"

"What news?" He asked, looking confused. Odd. Will didn't tell him? Recognition came over his face and he went, "Oh," like there was something obvious that I was missing. He looked at me, his brown eyes strangely serious. "I just chose to cross that bridge when we get to it."

"Smart." I admitted.

I went to climb out of the seat, but his hand on my arm stopped me. "Jaime?"

I looked at him, blinking. "Yeah?"

"This might seem like an odd question, but do you know anyone named Deborah? Deborah Murphy?"

I shook my head. "Sorry, no."

"Oh." His tone was a mixture of relief and disappoinment.

"Why?" I asked.

"Oh, no reason. It's just the woman I're the splitting image of her." His tone was wistful.

I smiled. "Sorry I couldn't help."

I climbed out of the seat and went to my own little row, grabbing my bag and digging through it to get my ipod. I closed my hand around the little piece of metal and took it out, plugging the buds into my ears, zipping the bag back up and sitting back down. I put on the sound of the rainforest and drifted off to sleep.  


I woke up to some one shaking me. "Buckle up, Jamie. We're landing." I muttered something incoherent and groggily opened my eyes, reaching for the seatbelt and bracing myself. The plane touched land about a minute later, succeeding in waking me up quickly. I sighed and gripped the armrests, then waited for it to stop. When it did I grabbed my bag and undid my seatbelt. Drew stood up, carrying his bags. "Let's go."

Will came out of the bathroom, looking slightly abashed. "Never catch yourself sitting on the toilet while a plane's landing." He said, zipping up his pants. I chuckled and started down the aisle.

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