Prologue - The Lonely Figure

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The silvered hair girl looked up at the lonely night sky, where the moon shined bright and the stars twinkled. Beneath them, a landscape filled with trees could be seen. As wind howled, ruffling the trees and branches, the girl shivered and held down her floating hair.

The girl gazed up at the sky with heartbreak. How long had it been since she's been embraced in the sun's warmth? What she missed most of all was the company of living creatures and mortals.

The girl made a wish at a falling star she saw in the distance. She wished her family's safety and happiness, while at the same time, she wished to never meet them again.

"Girl! Get back in here before you die due to your stupidity! Do you not see how cold it is tonight?!" growled a voice from the darkness behind her.

She obeyed, knowing better than to ignore it. She walked into he dark room and closed the balcony doors behind her. As she crawled into the large and cold bed, she thought of her family before drifting off to sleep.

End of Prologue

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