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Marina's pov

After that whole dyke ordeal, I'm kinda done with, Izzy. I mean I still somewhat care for her, but her attitude changed as she grew up and now I think everyone sorta done with her. I don't know why she even said that especially since she dates both woman and men. But mostly women just recently she set her eyes on Jake.

"Hey Marina I hope you're not still upset." Stormy said to me, my little sister looked at me with worry.

"It's alright stormy I'm fine... I just... I don't want to talk about it..."

Stormy placed a hand on my shoulder about to say something but, then horns sounded, neither the less royal sea horse horns.

"Shiver me stars! It's the queen's horns! This must be urgent!" Stormy said quickly swimming out the room to obviously to answer to the queen.
I hesitated abit before following after her. I wasn't in the mood to actually go to here whatever the queen had to say, I was still upset about earlier but I knew if I didn't go then I would be yelled at.

The first thing I smelled was blood. Fresh blood of a human.
I swamped a but more quickly now that I realized someone may be dying in the neversea.
And that a very very very rare chance that there was any human blood in the sea. It was mostly animal blood, I believed the last time human blood floated in the ocean was long before I was born... during a war time.

A mersister of mine Carmella came up beside me, with a bit of worry across her face.
"What human do you think died in the ocean today? those sharks were a huge challenge to stir them away from the blood... "

I shrugged in response, "I don't know maybe it
Was accidental and it's just a bunch of cuts."

"You smelled how strong that blood was and it wasn't a whale or shark either. That human lost a lot of blood. I feel bed for them."

I could feel bad for them but at the same time I can't, depending on the person.

After a few more moments we made it to the castle others were patiently waiting out side the castle.
"Looks like we're not late.." Carmella said looking around, I nodded on agreement. It was a like the whole courtyard was there.
Seconds later an giant spider crab came out with a small scroll, it requested me and stormy to come in but for the others to find a tail of some sort of animal.

Someone must have gotten an amputation.

Me and Stormy rushed quickly into the throne room. Queen Coralline had distressed and disturbing look on her face.

"Marina! Stormy! Thank Neptune your here! You won't believe whom the blood belongs to! Come along she might not have much time left!"

Queen coralline quickly swum toward a room that no one has been in for a long time.

The operation room.

We followed after her my heart was beating loudly, that operation room hasn't been opened in years! It was designed for the humans whom either drowned or had a significant injury to them and fell in the neversea.
They would either never make it or had a small chance of life.

We reached the double doors of operation room  the doors were rusty and covered in seaweed and had a saying engraved on the doors in Ancient Greek

"Death promised. Life never certain."

That many people died in the room, are ancestors weren't very friendly with pirates or humans alike.

"Ya ready to see the first victim in centuries?" I asked my sister.
She shrugged, "I don't know Marina... what if it's a friend? I'm not ready to cry and dress in black."
All I could say is oh.
We took a deep breath and opened the door and we gasped the person we saw floating over the operation table was Izzy.
Blood was dancing around her it was coming from her hips which, the rest of her legs were gone. She was leg less and looks like she wasn't breathing, which figures since she was underwater.

"What happened to her?!" Stormy asked in shock, she looked as if she was going to hurl.
I wouldn't blame her if she did. I would hurl to if I could.

"Theia found her while she was making her rounds through neverland. Upon seeing her she lost a lot of blood, and almost made the pirate falls red. I don't know how much time she has left.
Queen coralline said frantically.
"I had already told some of the girls to find a seal or dolphin."

"Seal or dolphin? How is that going to save Izzy?" Stormy asked confused. I'm sorta am to my self.
"Marina could you get me my spell book please? It vitally important for this procedure."
I obeyed a went out the room as I made my way down to the library I saw two of mersisters Rhea and Arachne bring in a seal and dolphin both tranquillized.

"Oh poor animals.." I said to myself.

I continued my way to the library, I just couldn't believe she was leg-less. I mean glad she quiet for once but now she's dying. What drove to do this to herself I don't know.

Finally reaching the library I rushed up to the of the bookshelf and found her book. A glittery book that was once of stone and intimating. I flipped through a few of the pages spells ranging a love spell to control all the sea animals.
I couldn't waste time so I rushed quickly back to the operation room where Izzy was now strapped down but blood still floating.

"Ah Marina thank you! Queen coralline said she had on gloves and goggles. Some threads, needles were on the table along with other medical instruments.
"Marina, stormy could you please inform Jake and cubby about Izzy? I don't want them to worry."
We nodded and headed to the surface.
Third person pov

Queen coralline concentrate so hard that her hair was beginning to frizz.
"That's should do it!
She said with a crazed smile on her face she was breathing heavily.
Finally she was done!
"Now all I need it the spell..."

"I cometh to you enlil god of breath and Artemis goddess of wild animals. Let this girl breath the water of the ocean and let this girl connect the animal. Let this be answered."

Izzy lied there motionless for a few moments, Queen coralline looked at the girl and frowned.
She then went away to put back the gear.
Meanwhile, Izzy's eyelids began to twitch and then they jolted open and began screaming.

Queen coralline rushed in quickly and smiled widely, Izzy was alive.


Hoi there I'm back and finally updated this! I believe I will be updating more, happy early thanksgiving!
- Flowers 🌺🌺

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2017 ⏰

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