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Welcome everyone to the first chapter of the story everyone! Thank you so much reading this! I'll be sure to update a few of my others stories but, right now this is my main focus. So please enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: I own nobody except ones that will appear later.

The pirate crew who was now teenagers was currently at pirates plunges waiting for two people.

Jake was getting ready to go down a waterslide. Cubby swimming about in the pool, skully was chill out eating crackers, and Izzy was resting under a beach umbrella. She had recently just turned 16 two weeks ago. Now her party would have been just fine if someone didn't ruined it, and for that she was still ticked.
"Jakeyyy... why are we here...???!" Izzy said to her leader as she sat up. She sat up in enough time to see him come out of the water, she got a chance to see his abs wet. Izzy sighed lovingly thinking to herself that might be her last chance to see him like that.
"Oh... Jakey I hope you have the same feelings for me as I do for you..."
She said to herself, right after she got splashed with water.
"Ah! Geez! Jake why did you do that?!" Izzy asked.
"To get you focused duh! Why else?" Jake said shooting her one of his signature smile.
Izzy frowned in return," Focus on what exactly-"
Before Izzy could finish her sentence cubby said, " Jake she's here!"
Jake smiled,"Perfect timing!"
"Who is it?" Izzy asked sitting up. Whoever this girl was she was ready to kill them.

"Uh.... hey...Izzy..." Izzy heard, she stood up and walked over to the pool and growled in disgust at who she saw.


Suddenly without warning.....SLAP. Izzy struck Marina hard around the cheek she then proceeded to go out on a fist fight.
Jake knowing how violent this could possibly get, held Izzy tightly by her waist before anything could continue.

Marina was now also a teen herself, her hair gotten longer. She the flower on her hair to a red hibiscus and wore a crop top like shirt.
But the thing that has changed most was her, body and her personality.

Even though she looked chubby, that 'chubbiness' is actually muscle so don't let fool you.
Her personality... well not much changed though she got a new one... now she's incredibly shy. Other than that she's still Marina!

"Jake! Why is she here?!" Izzy asked glare at Marina.

"Well, so you two work things out like friends would do."

"BULLCRAP!" Izzy shouted, startling everyone. "If she was sorry would stopped it the minute she  realized she was doing it!"

"Izzy! It was just a mistake! I never meant for it to happen!" Marina shouted back.

"Ladies please-!" Jake start but, quickly cut off by izzy. He then realized that they weren't even listening.

"Everything was just prefect! The party was Freaking perfect! AND the you're drunken self came and decided to be a D-!"

"ISABELLE, SHE IS OUR FRIEND AND YOU WILL NOT CALL HER THAT!!" Jake shouted silencing everyone, nearly making izzy deaf.

"Apologize to her now." Jake said to her giving her a glare. "Thats an order Isabelle."

Izzy hesitated, not really wanting to apologize, heck she didn't want to apologize at all! But she said this instead.

"Marina... I would apologize but, I don't feel like it so I'll say this instead. If I was a dyke like you, I would never date you, or kiss your crusty tail. Cause you're such nuisance to neverland, you should just go die! No-one would care you freaking died, crusty Dyke!"

She then struggled enough to get out of Jake's grasp, but put some paper in his side pocket. As she walked off, she shot him a seductive smile.

Jake growled as she walked off...he then turned his attention to marina who sniffed, tears were forming in her eyes. Jake walked over to her. "Shhh.. shhh... its alright she didn't mean.. I hope...and your not a...." Jake hesitated to say the word.


"Jake, you really need to have a talk with Izzy...." Stormy started as she swam over to him and her sister and placed her arm around marina. "If her attitude continues like this than... I don't know...she could be a problem."

Jake sighed, "I know... I know... I'll fix it or at least  I'll try."

Stormy then gave a stern look, "JAKE you're NOT going to try, YOU WILL do it! Or you could always call Peter... he'll deal with her quickly."

"Stormy we're not going that direction....at least I hope not." Jake replied, " Well, Marina thanks for at least trying to reason with her... Im sorry if it turned out like this."

"it's alright... although you should probably go find her now...who knows what she could be doing right now." Marina replied her eyes were now dry but, there was still hurt in her voice.

After biding goodbyes marina and stormy dove back under, while Jake, cubby, skully gather all their beach things. Izzy still had not returned.

"Jake, where do you think Izzy could have gone?"Cubby asked.

"I don't know... allI hope is that she ok." Jake replied.

" Should we look around neverland"Skully asked, Jake shook his head. "No, it becoming dark now I'm sure she'll find her way back after she cools off"

Skully sighed,"If you say so Jake..."

The boys made it back to Bucky who was waiting for them, he dinged his bell as a way of greeting them.

"Evening, Bucky you wouldn't have happen to seen where Izzy have gone have you?" Jake asked. Bucky gave a low ding in other words a no. "Dang it..." Jake muttered under his breath.

Hope she's close....

*Time Skip - Brought to you by Izzy the dog *

The boys made it back to the hide out to find romantic like candles glowing in the sand.

"What in the world...?"

"Uh, Jake I think I'll Leave this to you...I make dinner."Cubby said nervously, "Come with me skully." Skully followed, leaving Jake alone.

Jake began to follow the candles they led into the forest. Soon the candles were becoming mixed rose petals of pink and red. Soon he made it to the end of trail to find, izzy near a waterfall sitting on one of the rocks in little black dress. She was smiling at him seductively, meanwhile he felt his blood boil.

"Bout time you showed up Jakey! I've been waiting for you~" Izzy said giving him a smile.

Jake was about to yell at her but was interrupted by her.
"Oh, Jacob you don't know how long I have been waiting and wanting to tell you this... Jacob Hutchinson, I love you and I hope you'll accept my feelings and be my boyfriend!" Izzy said her face becoming hot and her cheeks were as red as tomatoes. Worried fill her eyes would he accept her feelings?

Silence fill the air, after a few more moments Jake spoke.

Aaannd you'll have to find out next time! Ok guys thanks for reading please sure to vote and comment! Next chapter will be Jake's response.. will he return her feelings or reject her find out soon! Bye!
(My good friend also helped me! Shout out to her!)

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