Chapter 3:

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Superboy silently stared at M'gann in the kitchen, as she hummed away, making a batch of 'success cookies', as she liked to call them. The mission they had done, had been successful, but still, Artemis had gotten ill from the frog's toxin, and was lying in the Med-Bay, throwing up profusely. Robin walked in with Wally, and said, "Hey guys, Bats says that Artemis is okay, but she'll have to stay in the Med-Bay for more tests." "Turns out, puking really does make her look green. Well, more green because of her costume...", Wally joked, with a laugh. Kaldur entered behind them, and replied, "That is not nice to say, Wally. You should not say such things." Wally whined, "Aww come on, Kaldur! What's wrong with having a little fun with Artie's position at the moment? I mean, she's not around to hear it, so why can't I?" "I am all for a good laugh, but not when it criticizes or puts down a fellow teammate.", Kaldur responded, his voice strict.

Superboy tuned out the others, as he came into the kitchen, and sat on a bar stool. He hated when they all fought, but he would never admit it. Suddenly, M'gann's soft voice entered into his head, as she asked, "You don't like them fighting either, huh, Superboy? It's not just you..." The clone replied, using a firm tone, "I thought I told you to get out and stay out of my head." "You did, but I didn't listen. Superboy, you can't be in that shell forever. I know you're different than what people believe you are. To them, you may look like a beast, but you're really not. Please understand that.", M'gann answered, her voice calm as the beach outside the Cave. Superboy growled, "I am not what you think I am. Get out and stay out!" Within a few moments, the clone felt M'gann leave his mind, and he left the room, not wanting to be anywhere near her. 

Coming into the gym, Superboy noticed a punching bag hanging close at hand. He clenched his fists, and in a fit of rage, punched the bag as hard as he knew he could. Several beads fell out of the hole in the bag, that he had created, and tumbled onto the floor at his feet. He couldn't understand why M'gann would even dare try to invade his thoughts again, even after he made it abundantly clear that no one was to enter in. It was his mind, and he wasn't in the mood for people to know what he thought every second that he was awake. Growling at the sight of the beads falling from the bag, Superboy took his anger out on a new piece of practice equipment: the wall. With a thrust, he threw a punch into the nearest wall, and created a huge hole in it. As the cement and insulation crumbled into a heap, Superboy saw the others on the Team look in, their eyes wide with surprise. Robin remarked, "Dude! Is something wrong with the wall, cause you just blew it in." Superboy replied coldly, "Nothing is wrong.", and stalked out of the gym, leaving the huge hole in the wall from his tirade.

Upon leaving the gym, and everyone's astonished looks, the clone headed for the only place he knew he'd be alone and away from the people that cared: Metropolis. Sure, Superboy knew that his genetic father lived there, but the man had never once considered him his son, so he thought if he went, it would give him some peace and quiet. Going back to the Hangar, Superboy climbed onto his motorcycle, and pulled on his helmet, then started the engine, and drove away. He rode for awhile, watching all the trees and cars passing, his mind in a state of calmness. When he finally reached Metropolis, the clone rode through the high end city, observing and taking note of the tall buildings that populated the modern city. To the clone who had a very small view of the world itself, Metropolis seemed too busy and alive. Perfect for him and his desire for some quiet. 

Realizing it was a bit too busy, Superboy came into the outer part of the city, and found himself once again surrounded by trees and tall grasses. No man, woman, or child was in sight, making him relax. He continued to ride, until he came to a huge oak tree on a hill. The tree outlooked the entire city of Metropolis, and seemed to be its protector, standing strong. Climbing off his motorcycle, Superboy went up to the tree, and leaned against it, his arms crossed. He didn't understand why people always tried so hard to get him to talk about his feelings. He didn't need them. Especially M'gann. Her telepathy was like a burning reminder of the G-nomes that had invaded his mind in Cadmus, and he hated it so badly. 

M'gann. Why did everything he thought of, come back to her? It was confusing, really. Him, being who he was, a clone of the original Superman, being liked or spoken to by her. All he wanted to do, was reject that there was actually someone who thought he was more than what he had been created to be. Her words once again echoed through his mind, "Superboy, you can't be in that shell forever. I know you're different than what people believe you are. To them, you may look like a beast, but you're really not. Please understand that." , she had said. Closing his eyes, Superboy thought of M'gann. Her red hair and brown eyes. Her green skin and her sweet personality. The way she made him feel and the way she made his mind go insane from even thinking of her. It made his head hurt. 

Opening his eyes, Superboy overlooked the city, and watched as his genetic father flew over the city, being its protector, much like the tree. For the first time since he had met the Team, and been set free, he was jealous of his father. Superboy wanted to fly, even though he couldn't. Knowing that would never change for him, made him angry. He threw back a fist, and punched the ground in rage, setting off a chain reaction of an earthquake through Metropolis. Superboy knew what he wasn't. He wasn't Superman, because he destroyed, instead of fixing.

Chapter 3. Finished. What did you think? I decided to bring in some remnants from the comics, such as the fact that his name means an abomination, thus being a loose cannon of rage, and sending an earthquake upon the city. And, in my personal opinion, I love when Superboy is an angry 'baby' beast. It's cute to me, to see his tirades.... (totally fangirling and eye hearting my OTP Supermartian so badly right now)

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