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I twisted my left arm and grabbed hold of hers, effectively turning the table around.

I saw the surprise and fear in her eyes and it made me feel good. 

I pushed her hard. She stumbled. I kept cornering her until she had her back against the wall. She dropped her groceries on the floor.

"You shouldn't have done that," I growled.

I looked at her like a predator about to feast on her prey. She could sense it, I know. 

"W-who are you?" she whispered.

I sneered.

"You know me. You called my name."

"No," she said determinedly even though her voice quivered. "You're not Alyssa."

I laughed.

The woman was smart, I'll give her that.

"I am Alyssa," I said as I stepped closer to her, suffocating her with my presence. "Just not the Alyssa, you know."

"W-what do you mean?"

Palpable fear. It made my skin tingle with excitement.

I ignored her question.

I leaned towards her making sure my lips touched her left ear.

"You took my playthings from me. It would be fair if you replace them, don't you think?"

If I can't have people's blood on my hands, I'd settle for some flesh. 

I've never forced myself on anyone and I wasn't planning to start now. I would just make sure that even if she refuses at first, she would be begging for me when it matters. 

I'm confident she wouldn't be able to resist me.

She was pretty and she smelled good. She would do just fine.

She forcefully put her hands on my shoulders to push me away.

She was taller but I was stronger.

I gripped her wrists using my hands and put it above her head.

"Feisty," I said, full of hunger, as I licked my lower lip. "Just the way I like my women."

Her eyes turned saucers and her skin was as pale as paper. 

I attacked her with my own mouth but she turned her head. I didn't mind. I let my lips explore her jaw down to her neck.

"STOP IT!" she screamed. "I'll scream louder!"

I leaned back, amused. 

We both know she wasn't going to do it.

"I'd like to see you try sending me to jail," I challenged before continuing where I left off.

She tasted nice. I love it. I loved it so much I took a bite on her collarbone. 

She was struggling to free her hands away from my grasp but that wasn't going to happen. 

But suddenly, I felt a blow on my right rib, making me loosen my hold on her. She kneed me.

I wasn't careful enough.

She took that time to run but I was even more surprised when she picked up a stone on the floor and came back to me. She slashed me at my arm before running away completely without saying a word.

I could have ran after her. In fact, the blow didn't even hurt too much and neither did her slash even if it bled. I let her go on purpose.

I scared her enough. 

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