murder : 05

994 40 3

<Notice : haha... um... i kinda reread this whole story and was like, "shit this is pretty good, why didn't i continue this." so, here you go? LOL >


" We may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated. " - Maya Angelou


The sun had set and darkness finally began to settle inside the castle. Da-Ye and and Hak were walking amiably together, Hak being the one to escort the princess to her room.

"It hasn't been too long since I've seen you, but I think you grew a few centimeters," she said while raising her hand above her head. "So much taller than me."

Hak just shrugged his broad shoulders lazily. "My beauty is effortless, princess. Must be hard for the naturally ugly."

"Funny, I thought you were describing yourself."

The two chuckled monotonously together, pausing for a moment before they tried to strike each other with their respective weapons. In the end, they just ended up laughing the whole ordeal off, stopping in place once they arrived at the entrance of Da-Ye's room.

"I guess this is my stop, huh?" The mentioned princess hummed pleasantly. She then turned towards Hak, offering him a sweet and subtle grin. "I missed hanging out ya big oaf."

The Wind Tribe general's face melted into an endearing expression as his eyes twinkled with the moonlight. "That's no way for a princess like you to talk, silly."

"Yeah, yeah. Well goodnight," she replied, sticking out her tongue at him before closing the sliding door and disappearing into her room.

Hak stayed frozen in place for a few more moments. "I missed you too," he mumbled to no one in particular before sighing and making his way to his own room, a smile glued onto his face the entire time.


Da-Ye was awoken in the middle of the night by an awful churning in her stomach. At first the girl thought she had diarrhea - she didn't - but when she saw that wasn't the case, she thought it would be a good idea to consult her uncle about it.

Since childhood she had been fond of King Il's kind words of wisdom, often seeking him out when she had a problem that was too difficult for her to face. It was nice. Nice to have an uncle and cousin who she cherished so deeply since the absence of her parents. Da-Ye was definitely glad to be blessed into such a wonderful family.

After wandering the halls for a few minutes, the Sky Tribe princess finally found her way to her uncle's bed chamber, and seeing that a lamp was lit inside, decided to slide the door open.

Inside the room was not what she was expecting at all and it made the queasiness in her stomach grow and grow to an almost unbearable state.

"Su-won-nii?" She mumbled, holding her hands over her mouth to suppress the gasp that threatened to come out. "What did you do?"

Da-Ye's eyes shifted from her brother to the bloody corpse of her uncle before finally landing on the shaking, red-head teenager she called her cousin.

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