hak : 03

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"We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or we can rejoice because thorn bushes have roses." Abe. Lincoln


Written In Hak's Perspective

He didn't know when it had started, but he knew it started long ago. Neither did he realize how fast it was growing, only acknowledging it when she was away.

(Set Back In The Past - Hak is 15 years old)

"Hak!" Yona shouted, hastily making her way towards him, her face flushed from her unsteady breathing. "Su-Won and Da-Ye have come again!" She exclaimed happily, tugging along the ex-orphan teenager.

Hak had seen the two siblings many times when he visited the castle with Mundeok and has already established a solid relationship with both of them due to Yona's pestering for him to play with them.

It was entertaining he supposed, running around and being childish without a stiff 'grandpa' at his side to pester him about spears and calling him Grandpa instead of Mundeok or Old Man.

However, when the four of them were playing together, he seemed to always be pushed off to Da-Ye since Yona hogged Su-Won all to herself and Su-Won was too nice to reject her.

He didn't mind this. No, he didn't mind at all. In fact Hak seemed to cherish their brief moments alone when he could talk about or do anything in her presence. She was just a chill person, almost as if she were from the Wind Tribe. It also helped that Da-Ye had been practicing with weapons so he could comment on fighting too.

Somehow the pair always made it to the archery range when they were together whether it for a little friendly competition or just for practicing.

"Hak, hurry up!" Yona exclaimed once more, wanting nothing more than to run into her cousin's arms and stay like that forever.

"Princess, if you keep frowning like that, you'll get wrinkles and Su-Won won't like you anymore." Hak teased, sticking out his tongue at her as the tiny princess pounded her little fists on his chest.

"Be quiet, servant!" She yelled, frowning again. "Oh no! I can already see one forming!" Hak shouted, making a surprised expression. Swiftly Yona had a hand on her face, feeling over her skin desperately searching for the wrinkle that was never there.

"Hak you meanie!" The red-head whined, stomping away to find Su-Won.

Sighing, Hak laid down on the wooden porch that led to the yard, bored, having nothing to do since Mundeok was in the 5 Generals Meeting.

Slow footsteps eventually made their way towards him and the 15 year-old soon-to-be-general glanced up.

He was pleasantly surprised to see silky black hair accompanied by a humble white and red kimono with a bow and quiver of arrows slung across the girl's shoulder.

"Hello Hak." Said a sweet voice, placing her equipment gently on the porch before sitting down beside his body.

The teenager immediately stood up, bowing at an angle and addressing her politely. "Alright, now that your routinely greeting is done, shall we spar?" She said with a smirk, bunching up her only locks into a high ponytail, not bothering with her bangs.

"Of course, Your Highness." Hak replied, his grin more animalistic than humane. "Let's see what General Ju-Doh has been teaching you this time."


It had only been a year since General Ju-Doh had ended Da-Ye's archery lessons, switching off to a more close combat weapon. The 14 year-old princess had replaced her yew bow with tiny throwing knives that she also used as dual daggers.

Hak picked up his usual spear, testing the weapon out before getting in sparring position.

To most it seemed unfair that the fighting protege who had beaten General Geun-Tae at only age 13 was now fighting a fragile-looking princess who only had a few measly daggers at her disposal but the two leveled out each other surprisingly well.

While Hak's brute strength overpowered the princess by a league, Da-Ye's speed and agility gave her the extra boost she needed to be Hak's equal.

Of course, at the sight of the two, servants and passing guests stopped to watch the spectacle with awe as the two assumed position.

With a nod, the both of them launched into action, barely holding back as the two worked for a fatal blow.

With calculated precision, Da-Ye had kicked up a dust screen, blinding Hak for a few moments before he could regain his sight. With those seconds, the princess lunged, aiming to hold her daggers to the 15 year-olds vital areas such as where is heart beat and his throat.

However, the fight would not end so easily as Hak swung his spear in the dust cloud, using the wind he accumulated with his swing to blow away the dust. Then the both were on guard again, testing each other to see how far they could be pushed.

This continued on, the crowd of people watching continuously growing until even the 5 generals who had just finished their meeting were also seeing the fight.

Finally, the battle came to a draw with Hak's spearhead aimed at Da-Ye's neck and the princess's dagger held to Hak's throat, her other dagger having been lost in the fight.

The revelers cheered the two of them for their spectacular fight, getting a few comments from the generals as they passed by.

Hak was being mocked by Mundeok while Geun-Tae was patting the boy on the back. The Fire Clan General paid no heed and walked away like the Water Clan General. Mundeok also congratulated Da-Ye as well as Ju-Doh commenting and critiquing on some of her moves.

However, best of all, was when both Yona and Su-Won came to embrace the both of them, telling them how good of a fight it was.

Once they were all gone, Hak turned to Da-Ye, wincing as he saw her kimono ripped in some places and absolutely dirty in others. She paid no heed to the stains and smiled warmly at the teenager, holding out her hand for a handshake. "I'll get you next time, Hak. Mark my words! You'll be on your knees begging for forgiveness." The princess stated, raising her head proudly as she stuck her tongue out at him.

"I'll be awaiting the day you do, Da-Ye-sama." Hak said, his eyes glinting with something more than competition, his smile revealing a bit of his true feelings. "I'll be waiting."


Message : Hello my dear readers, I'd like to call these multiple updates 'LAUNCH WEEK' which I have "borrowed" from LINE Webtoons. I thought it was a nice way to present my story so the readers could have something to hold on to before I get into my regular updating.

More Insights on Hak's point of view will be scattered among these book chapters. Just be watching out for Hak's name and you'll know immediately that it's his POV.

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