7 ☽ Concern

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Upon hearing very heavy footsteps behind me, I instantly turned around only to be met with my older twin brother Kaemon.

I shot a death glare towards him which was followed by an eye roll, "Go away. Nobody wants you here, Mr Narcisist." I spat coldly.

At my sudden reaction, Davina immediately snaps out of her star-making session and turned around with fright written all over her face, "You didn't see anything!" She exclaimed, straightening out her sparkling black dress.

Kaemon barged past me on purpose, pushing me right into Ryder's arms as he made his way towards his flustered crush: Davina.

Ryder licks lips and turns his head to the right, thinking about how it seemed so necessary for Kaemon to do what he just did and I thought the exact same thing as Ryder.

I gathered myself together and stood up straight, steadily watching Kaemon's next move like a hawk.

Kaemon placed his both hands on Davina's shoulder and leant forward, letting their foreheads touch as he looked deeply into her eyes to reassure her that everything was okay. "Hey, hey. It's fine, we'll help you get through this Vina, Karletta did this to you but she gave you a gift that nobody else on this pathetic little world holds in their possession. You're the only one, you're unique Davina, don't let this tear you apart." He said, softly.

I paused for a brief moment and folded my arms, furrowing my brows at the two lovebirds.

I feel a slight nudge on my right and I turn to see that it's Ryder but he doesn't say anything, he just nods towards Davina and Kaemon's direction and I instantly get the hint.

Ah, he's thinking the same thing as me.

Kaemon breaks mine and Ryder's little communication session, "This gift is your new identity, Davina, protect it at all costs." He says to Davina, slowly letting his grip on her shoulders loosen.

Ryder nudges me once again, "Hm. What he's saying isn't that bad, maybe you should learn from it." He stated, causing me to shake my head and look directly at Davina.

My undivided attention diverted back to Ace who had a huge smirk on his face as if he was ready to unleash whatever evil scheme he had planned inside of him.

My undivided attention diverted back to Ace who had a huge smirk on his face as if he was ready to unleash whatever evil scheme he had planned inside of him

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I look down at my little sister to see that she's staring into space when we have a pretty serious issue going on here so I decide to tap her on the shoulder, "Letta?"

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