CHAPTER 17: Raymond's POV

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         I've been trying for the past couple of hours in trying to see why the hell his ass didn't call me last night to let me know of rather or not he has found her.

        I was pacing back and forth in my living room, waiting for him to return with some news or call me at least. Something, anything.

        Then I hear my cell go off and as I look down at it, I see that it's a text from an UNKNOWN NUMBER. It looks to be a video.

         So I click 'Play' and start watching the video that I soon find out is of Jet. He's all bloodied and tied to a chair all while barely breathing.

         Then I see a few guys off to the side with a baseball bat and have blood on them. Then a familiar face comes on camera, it's Trey.

         "Hey there, Raymond. It's been a while. Looks like your so called right hand guy is gonna be out of commission. The next time you send someone to do your dirty work, make sure they are at least somewhat of a challenge." Trey says into the camera on his phone and points it to Jet who is still trying to breathe when all of a sudden, one of the guys beside him, shoots him right through the head before the video then cuts off.

          I get so pissed off that I punch my fist real hard through the wall.

         Then one of my guys comes up to me and asks me if I'm alright.

         I look at him. "Get the guys together and ready. We are going to see my cousin. We're gonna destroy him and his gang." I tell the guy.

         Which he doesn't question me. He just quickly starts getting on his phone and starts calling people up.

        I head into my room and lock my door behind me.

        I walk into the bathroom and start cleaning off the blood that are on my knuckles from punching the wall.

        Once I'm done bandaging it up, I sit down on the bed and start thinking about what I just saw in the video.

        I needed to get both Sean and Liz back. Though I had plan to do it before out of the fact I don't want to share her, but now, it's more personal. Now, I finally have something I can take from Rick. Something he cares about and something I know he would do anything for.

        It's really shitty, about his and my relationship.

        When we were kids growing up, we always found ways to compete with each other.

         I was living with him and his parents after my parents were killed in a fire. And no it wasn't over trying to save anyone or a faulty wire in the house that started it. Instead, it was them and some people that worked for them who weren't paying attention and blew up the place where they held their drug dealing business.

        I was around seven when it happened and then my aunt and uncle took me in and took care of me. Or so you'd think.

       You see, both Rick and I hated his parents. They weren't any better than mine.

       Him and I tried many times to runaway and live our lives however we wanted to. But that never happened.

       We had used to be close, almost like brothers. But then suddenly, somewhere during sixth grade, we both began getting into trouble. Becoming friends with kids that were trouble.

        Then by the time we were freshman in high school, we had both started hanging out in a gang. The one that he is now the leader of.

        You see, we thought we would run the gang together one day since the leader liked the both of us and had said that one day, the title would be passed down onto one of us.

        I really wanted it so badly, as of course did Rick. So we both did our initiations and somehow, they chose him over me. Even though I had way more abilities and strengths than he did.

         Was I jealous? Fuck no. I was pissed off. What I had worked for so long on to become, was in an instant taken from right under me. And the worse part was that he's my blood.

         From then on things got to be very bad between us. Especially since after the leader got shot and that was when Rick became the leader, he started barking orders at me and the other guys. Which first of all, I don't take orders from anyone and as for everything else, yeah, I wanted to kill him.

         Then one night, while I was at the house, waiting for him to come back from something he was doing with the guys, I saw the front door open and without hesitation, I shot him. Well, what I thought was him at the time. Instead, it was his parents and the bullet had gone right through his dad through his mother who was right behind him.

        I stood there and after turning the lamp on and looking down at their dead bodies lying in the doorway in the front door, then I came back to reality and then just made sure I stepped over them and left.

        They weren't the first people I have killed and to be honest, I was doing society a favor. Even Rick. Though he didn't seem to look at it that way.

         After finding out about his parents and that it was me, he came after me. Him and his gang found me and my gang that I was the leader of and still am to this day and we had a huge fight. Both of us almost nearly died.

        Then after shit went down that day the way it did and after seeing that he almost killed me, I decided to make an anonymous call to the police department. Who came and both Rick and his men were almost sent to prison for his parents death. But obviously that didn't happen.

         However, now, it won't be prison that he'll be going to. He is going to beg for mercy while he watches what I'm going to do with Sean and Liz.

         If I can't have them, nobody can. Especially Rick.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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