Chapter 3- My Mate?

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Shit. Shit. Shit. That's all that's going through my head. My mate is the prince? Shitty shit shit.

This cannot be right how could I be mated to the prince, I had never wished fir much in my life, but I constantly wished for the right to choose but even that now had been taken from me. My mother didn't have a choice when she was made to leave us, leave me. That's what I have to believe because if I believe she chose to leave us, to leave me, I don't think I could carry on.

"Shit." I whisper out loud until it becomes too much and I faint, but before I hit the floor I feel strong arms around me, then the darkness takes over.


"Mine." I growled possessively,

"Congratulations, son." My father said, clapping me on the back. "Do you want to take her to your room," I nodded, "you are excused."

I waste no time in taking her to my room. Her silky hair had mostly escaped it's bun so I released the rest of it out, I couldn't resist running my hands through the length of it.

Bring her limp body close to me I encased her small body with my noticeably larger one. The fact I can see her lightly dusted freckles across her porcelain skin made it increasingly difficult not to kiss her slightly upturned nose and her peachy lips.

Feeling her stiffen in my arms I realised she was awake. Time to get to know my mate, leaning back I was stunned by her startling eyes, well I was until she kneed me where a man should never be kneed and well then I wasn't really thinking about the way her eyes sparkle, I was thinking about why on earth my mate was running away.

And the fact that I would catch her.


Bit rushed will redo if I have the time so yeah, really short and not so sweet

Be Afraid be Very AfraidOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora