Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Unknown POV

          I signed as I sat on the velvet seat with my arms crossed, waiting for Lyra to come out. How many times have I told her, the phantom is a dangerous being and she’ll get hurt if she keeps going down there!! I should probably introduce myself now. My name is Isabelle De Chagny. Yes I am the famous Christine’s and Raoul’s daughter. But sadly, I hardly knew my mother. My father told me she died shortly after giving birth to me. So, my father went off and married another woman, my step mom Victoria, and she died shortly after giving birth to Lyra. So we both grew up without a mother.

          Then about 3 years ago, Lyra and I were both going to the Paris Opera House to fulfill our dreams of becoming stars. That’s when my father told me about my mom and the Phantom himself, filling me up with visions that I didn’t want to come true. I vowed to my father that I would never turn out to be my mother. When we got there, he nearly pulled me into his arms with his singing but I was able to outstand it. Unfortunately, Lyra did not.

          I fear for my sister, going into his dreaded lair and never coming out. My sister and I are very much different. I’m more independent and I don’t let anything get into my way. I fight for what I need. Some people call me overprotective and a bit demanding all the time and they’re right. That’s who I am. Just like my father.

My sister on the other hand hates everything about herself, but I think she is a beautiful person, inside and out. Father once told me that, even though Christine wasn’t her true mother, she acted just like Christine. Always kind, caring, an amazing dancer and singer (like me), and willing to put a smile on anyone’s face. She’s so innocent. Too innocent. She doesn’t know the horrors of the world like I do, so it’s my job to keep her safe.

          But, despite our differences, we love each other very much, like a man loves a woman, only this love will never die out. A soft creak interrupted my thoughts and I became very still as my sister tip toed out of the mirror, her nose cringing in disgust at all the perfumes and flowers littering the air. You’d think she’d be used to this since she comes down here almost every single night. I stood up as she tip toed to the door and spoke up.

          “Top of the morning to ya Lyra.” I scoffed while she gasped and spun around, her eyes going wide at the sight of me with her hand on her heart.

          “Isabelle!” She whispered breathlessly. “What are you doing here?!”

          “You’re not exactly quiet while sneaking around.” I said simply. She controlled her breathing and folded her hands together while looking at me with quilt as though she’d been caught in an act.

          “..How long have you known?” She whispered so softly that I almost didn’t hear her. 

          “Since the last time I’ve told you that he is dangerous and I’ll tell you again.” I replied just as softly. It’s really hard to stay mad at her for a long time. I walked over to her and toke her hands into mine and we looked at each other.

          “The Phantom is a really dangerous person. One wrong move on him and its over for you. He’s hung .People that didn’t follow his orders and nearly killed my mom and our dad. I don’t want you to have the same fate, or maybe even worse, that my mom had. The Phantom is a cold, deformed, heartless monster that will never learn how to love and needs to be punished.” I told her firmly.

          Lyra looked down before whispering, “Erik.”


          She looked back up at me, and spoke up. “His name is Erik, and he’s not a monster. He is kind, gentle, sweet, and caring. He would never do anything to hurt me! But you wouldn’t know that because you’ve never met him!” She yanked her hands away from mine and crossed her arms while looking down. Did I mention that she was also stubborn?

          “That’s what he wants you to think. As soon as you do something wrong, even the tiniest thing, you’ll get hurt, trust me.” I spoke. She began to shiver and bit her lip, as if looking afraid. I wrapped my arms around her to comfort her.

          “I’m only saying this because it’s the truth. But if you really believe that he’s not a monster and you still want to visit him, then who am I to stop you.” I spoke softly in her ear. We stayed like this for a couple of minutes before she pulled away and looked me in the eye.

          “How about we make a deal.” I rose my eyebrow but said nothing, allowing her to continue. “If all those stories you are saying is true about Erik, then the first time he hurts me or threatens me, I’ll stay here and never visit him again.” I signed softly but I knew this is as far as we’re going to get. I nodded.

          “Deal.”  We both walked out of the primmadonna room and snuck back into our bedrooms to get ready for rehearsals. Little did we know that he heard us.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2014 ⏰

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