Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Paris Opera House 1890

Unknown POV

          The soft piano music echoed throughout my entire room as I gazed outside into the streets of Paris, silently humming along with the song. The rain had just cleared up and the full moon peeked out from behind the clouds, shining onto the rain puddles and spreading all throughout Paris. These were the nights, besides the snow, that made everything look like a mural you would see at an art museum. I picked up my pocket watch and glance at the time. 2:30AM. Perfect.

          I tore myself away from the window and tiptoed to my dresser. Quickly, silently, I changed into my white nightgown, white shoes, and a black waistcoat I bought myself during my days off. I looked into the mirror before I would head off. My wild, curly red hair seemed to spray out all over my head, bringing life to my emerald eyes and unnaturally pale skin. I grabbed a brush and quickly raced it through my wild curls, trying to make it as neat as possible, before putting it into a bow and raced towards the door. I turned off the music box and placed it into my coat pocket before grabbing a few music sheets and opened the door.

          The hallways were silent, for everyone was tucked into their beds as I tiptoed past them with grace. Many candles were brightly light, directing me towards my destination, the primmadonna room. I slipped the key into the keyhole and opened the door, the smell of strong perfumes and many flowers hitting me in the face, nearly making me gag. As much as I hate this room with a passion, this room holds a secret that no one but me knew about, I think. I silently closed the door behind me and looked into the huge mirror one last time. My hair could’ve been worse but sometimes it has a mind of its own and decides whether or not it wants to cooperate. One of the many things I dislike about myself. Sighing, I reached over and pulled the mirror with all my might before it opened, revealing stairs leading down an organ playing faintly below.

          I began to make my down while holding a candle, making sure I don’t fall like the clumsy person I am. The music seemed to get louder with every step I took. As I reached the bottom of the stairs, the music stopped completely, making me hold my breath as I walked towards the river and saw the gondola coming towards me. I let out the breath I had and smiled as I blew my candle out. He stretched out his hand to me and I gladly took it, stepping into the gondola and looking up at him.

          “Angel.” I said softly as he reached out my hand and kissed it.

          “My sweet Lyra, I thought you’d never come. We must hurry before we run out of time. I have something wonderful to show you.” He replied, giving me a sweet smile that no one has given me before.

Yes, that’s my name, Lyra. Another thing I hate about me. Why couldn’t I be named something a bit more normal? Like Lily or Julia or maybe even Kate?!? I really shouldn’t be complaining too much though. I mean, I have a freaking Angel of Music to guide me through my singing and dancing at the opera house and he also loves me for me, something no one has done before. I gazed out into the shining blue river, gently running my fingers into it, letting the cool water calm me. After a few minutes, we finally stopped. It looked exactly the same as before.

Hundreds of candles swayed gently to the light breeze and thin layers of fog covered the wooden floors. A massive swan bed laid to the right with a small wardrobe next to it, and a small library filled to the brim with books to the left of the bed. A few full length mirrors leaned up against the far wall, few of them were cracked, but the centerpiece of this room with the beautiful organ, filled with countless pieces of music and drawings that are yet to be recognized. I smiled at the familiarity of it all as my angel helped me out of the gondola and spun me around as we walked towards the organ.

My eyes scanned many of the musical numbers, the voices and music as exactly as it should sound flowing through my head, making me hum. My angel sat down and put his hands on the organ, waiting for my request. After a few moments of looking, I placed one down in front of him and he began to play as I sung the familiar words.

“Think of me, think of me fondly. When we've said goodbye. Remember me once in a while, please promise me, you'll try.” I sung softly while glancing at him. He gave me a warm smile back nodded, allowing me to continue. I took a deep breath and did just that.

“When you'll find that once again you long. To take your heart back and be free. If you'll ever find a moment, spare a thought for me.” I stopped singing and allowed him to go next.

“We never said our love was evergreen. Or as unchanging as the sea. But if you can still remember. Stop and think of me. Think of all the things we've shared and seen. Don't think about the way things might have been.” He sung with a lot more pride than I did, his beautiful voice echoing throughout the lair, nearly putting me in a trace like state. I quickly shook my head, remembering I had to finish the song.

“Think of me, think of me waking. Silent and resigned. Imagine me trying too hard. To put you from my mind. Recall those days, look back on all those times. Think of those things we'll never do. There will never be a day. When I won't think of you.” We sung together, our voices fading away along with the last note. I put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes as he continued to play a lullaby for me. We were perfect, our hearts were one. And nobody, not even my stepsister Isabelle, was going to change that.

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