Prologue( four years ago )

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4 Years ago...

"What do you mean I'm leaving? Where will I go ? Jack answer me please. Jack!" I sat there in my wheelchair yelling at my husband who had just informed me that he is kicking me out.

"I don't know Shay and I don't care! I just want you out of my house." He can't be serious,after everything we've been through and now he's kicking me out.

"But why Jack? Why are you doing this to us ?" I've loved this man ever since I've laid eyes on him. He's been my everything.

"Because Shay, I don't love you anymore. Look at you! Who's gonna love you ? Your a waste of space Shaylene . That's all you are and all you'll ever be. I'm tired of taking care of you and wiping your ass for you. Your nothing but a burden to me . You should have died in that accident Shaylene. Nobody wants you, not even your own parents wants to live with you. " I looked over at my dad and he didn't even look at me . My mom stood next to him and she didn't say anything. How can they be so cruel? They're my parents, they're supposed to love me and take care of me.

"Jack please I'm begging you.I have nowhere to go babe please don't do this to me" I cried out to him and he slapped me hard across the face.

"Your pathetic Shaylene. You can't walk, you can't do anything . You are of no use to me anymore. Your just a hopeless, useless, piece of nothing. " He spat in my face.

"Jack please..."

"Oh just shut up Shaylene! Your such a pathetic little bitch. Jack doesn't want you anymore. He is done with you! Did you really think that there was still hope for you? You are Pathetic. " Elena , the woman who was supposed to be my best friend just said that to my face. She was my maid of honour at my wedding and now she's screwing my husband in my bed.

"Your the pathetic one Elena . You were supposed to be my best friend! I trusted you" She slapped me hard across the face.

" You know Shay, I don't know what I'm gonna miss most, beating your broken ass or fucking your husband in front of your face. We had good times together, don't you think so? " She laughed in my face .

"I've always hated you. Little miss perfect always getting whatever she wants. You were nothing but daddy's spoilt little bitch and now your own daddy doesn't even want you." I looked over at my dad and he gave me a look of disgust.

"Come on Elena, you grab her wheelchair. " Jack came and picked me up . He walked out to the car , opened it and tossed me in the back. He and Elena got in the front and he started driving. I laid there motionless until we stopped and the both of them got out.

Jack opened the door, picked me up and tossed me on the ground. He smiled at me "welcome to your new home Shaylene. Good riddance " with that they drove of and left me there .

After a while I woke up in a small bed. A nurse came in and explained to me that I was in a disabled home and they found me outside on the ground.

After that day I lost everything and was never the same again. I lost hope and faith. I cried until I couldn't cry anymore.

This place was gonna be my new home and I didn't like it at all ,but like everyone here , I had to accept it. After a while I started making friends even though they were mostly old people in here . They were very entertaining and they kept me company.

It took time for me to heal and get over everything that I've been through. There were nights when I still cried but that also faded away with time. I felt sorry for myself and that was holding me back from moving forward with my life.

I've only realised this when Bertha came to speak to me one day. Bertha has lived in this place for seven years now. She is 76 years old and she was a pain in the ass at first but she became my best friend later on.

'"When are you going to stop feeling sorry for yourself? Being bitter towards the rest of the world won't get you anywhere. Your young , take control of your life again. Honey, you have to forgive the people who has hurt you, not because they deserve it,but so that you can move on with your life." She had a point but it was easier said than done. I felt broken beyond repair.

"It's so hard Bertha. How will I do it ? I can't even walk."

" Honey, I know it is , nobody said it's going to be easy Shaylene , but your a fighter and I know deep down in my heart that you can do it. You have to make peace with the fact that you might never walk again. It's not the end of the world Shaylene. You can still be happy."She's right and I have to accept it.

After that day my attitude changed. I was starting to pick up the pieces of my life again. I might never walk again but I refused to die unhappy. I started communicating with people around me and socialise. It was fun and I enjoyed it.

I also started seeing a therapist and I have to admit, she helped me a lot.

Hey guys

So this is my new book called Betrayed.

I've started this book because I just felt like I needed something new.

I'll be posting a new chapter every week.

I hope you'll enjoy this book.

The next chapter will be uploaded soon.

The next chapter will start with Chapter 1 four years later.

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