may: two

9 1 0

friday the ninth

12:54 am

it's funny how similar you are to school work

I'll stress and stress and stress about how much I need to get you done

and cry and plead with myself

but still won't have the time

still browse around the internet for hours

and still never fuck you

I mean, get you done.

1:44 pm

help me,

I'm drowning in my own self pity.

help me,

my grades are plummeting

help me,

I hate every part of myself

help me,

I'm trying too hard

help me,

my brain is turning to mush

help me,

I hate everything around me

help me,

help me,

help me,


I can't get back up.

save me.

saturday the tenth

9:32 pm

if you want to suck dick

it's ok

if you don't want to suck dick

it's ok

if you want to take it up the ass

it's ok

if you don't want to take it up the ass

it's ok

if you are waiting for marriage

it's ok

if you lost you virginity before marriage

it's ok

if you like guys

it's ok

if you like girls

it's ok

if you like girls and guys

it's ok

if you don't like either

it's ok

if you know what you want to do with your life

it's ok

if you don't know what you want to do with your life

it's ok

don't fucking judge someone by something they can't help but feel or do

that's just not ok.

signed - luci monroeWhere stories live. Discover now