april: two

19 2 0

saturday the fifth

2:44 pm

a funny thing the mind is

wanting to slit your wrists

but being too scared of pain

wanting to break everything

but unable to clean up the damage

wanting to cry till your eyes are dry

and scream till your lungs burst

but smiling to portray sanity to everyone around you

and more importantly to yourself.

2:52 pm

I want someone that will see me at my worst

and still think I am the best


everyone has seen me at my best

and they still think I am the worst

4:04 pm

you are the smell before the rain

you are the blood in my veins

you are the matter to my universe

you are the anecdote to this curse

you are the light to my candle

you are everything I cannot handle

you are everything I cannot live without.

signed - luci monroeWhere stories live. Discover now