Chapter 1

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" it's great to see things are looking up for you Edith. Same time next week?"
I spoke to my last patient before Lunch. Edith Long.

Edith had only been here over the corse of 6 weeks and had a hard time adjusting. I see her once a week and now that her medication is all sorted I can tell she is so much more emotionally balanced. I'm happy for her.

" definitely "

We were both by my office door, me seeing her out as she was faced with her guard. He gave me a small nod as he called her forward taking the her to lunch in the mess hall.

Seeing Edith once a week had it's positives. Compared to many patients here she was doing well and considering her situation, she was my success story. So many people have it much worse off, but then again so many people have done much worse. Edith was a paranoid schizophrenic who was unfortunately was diagnosed far too late. Her family abandoned her where she was taken in by the hospital, things only going down hill from there. Long story short she attacked a nurse, and unfortunately the nurse did not recover.

Edith seemed to know what she had done however, failed to realised the seriousness of the matter screaming that she was forced and that 'they were all out to get her'.
Once she was transferred to us, after a long chat with her over the corse of weeks, I seemed to come to the conclusion that she needed the right sort of medical help. She now understands what she has done and feels dreadful remorse. However she had still killed. No amount of medical attention could change that.

I returned back to my desk flicking through my list for today. I had a few more patients to see before I filled out my paperwork for the day. It's people like Edith that help me stay positive, I like the fact that I helped someone and I guess that's what made my job worth while, no matter how stressful.

I opened my draw, my eyes landing on a packet of cigarettes. I don't know what I would do without them. Terrible I know to be so dependent on something to get through your day. I shake my head and grab them walking right through my office door and down the hallway. It's filled with the busy commotion of pairs and groups of people. Guards transporting them through their daily planned activities. Nobody played the guards about, everybody knew from experience what would happen if you did. Tall burly men lead the patients too and from places protecting them from others and more importantly others form them. I think it's horrible to assume anything would happen however, these people were dangerous and have nothing to loose, they wouldn't be here if they wasn't.

You hardly see women guards, I understand that I guess men being better suited for the role to protect and put a strong stop to any commotion. However I am not the only woman here, the doctors ward would consist of women nurses as well as the activity consultants, who were mostly women also.

I reach the main corridor and make my way down the spiral staircase that leads to the front exit. I wave and greet Charles our guard at the door, who generously opened the heavy metal doors for me. I thank him kindly.

" Having a good morning Miss Miller?"

" Wonderful Charles thankyou"

The fresh air hits me as I walk my way out of the building. It feels so much better to just be out of the confined space of my office. I seat myself on the nearest bench facing the greenery in front of my place of work. My hands bring the cigarette to my lips lighting it a second after. I relax immediately.

" I see our habits match" A voice spoke behind me.

" Jeffery, you startled me. You should have been taught to never sneak up on a lady"

Jeffery was one of the male nurses here in our doctors ward. Me and him get on just fine. He is polite and well groomed, and not to mention a total looker, however not my type. He has been working here for around 3 years now.

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