Jungkook- BTS

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My alarm rang, waking me from my restless sleep. I sat up and looked at my clock in despair. I pressed SLEEP on its top face. I slide out of bed reluctantly and headed to the bathroom, my eyes still burning from the night before, fixing the large hoodie that draped over my body. I got ready for school slowly, taking my time to cover up any signs of fatigue with concealer. I headed out of the bedroom, put on some jeans and walked downstairs. After making some toast, I took the slice and walked out the door. I walked the short distance to school, the cold wind nipping at my face. My hair blew back, exposing my drawn features. I brush the strands behind my ear, arriving at the front door of the school.

Many people were standing outside the school, chatting and laughing with one another in the parking lot. I tried to get inside the school as soon as possible to avoid seeing him. But it wasn't that easy. I glanced up and my eyes immediately met his. He was looking in my direction, Chae Young hanging on his side. His eyebrows knit together softly. I sped up and looked away, my eyes leaving his. I made it inside and almost ran to my class. I stopped by my locker really quickly and dropped off my backpack; grabbing some books that I needed. I left my house keys in there for safe keeping and closed it. I ran to class.  When I arrived, I sighed in relief as I rested in my seat. I lay my head on my desk and tried to calm my heart. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I shot up.
"Woah. Calm down. Its just me." My good friend, Minhyuk sat down at the desk next to mine. I relaxed and put my head back down. "Whats up with you? You've been awfully jumpy. Its starting to worry me." He divulged.
"I'm fine." My voice softly rasped. 
"You don't sound like you're fine. Come on, you can tell me." He coaxed. 
I remained quiet. 
"Is it Jungkook?" He asked, and I tensed. Tears fought their way to my eyes and I fought to keep them at bay. I didn't want Minhyuk to see me crying. I successfully fought them back. 
"No, it's not him. I just didn't get much sleep last night. I was too busy working on that paper for Mr. Tricynth's class. So I didn't get to sleep until really late at night." I told him a quick lie, I had already finished the paper the week it was assigned. 
"OH! Is that due already? I haven't even started it. Oh, my god, I'm going to fail, hardcore." He sulked, slumping in his seat. I chuckled softly, a brief smile making its way to my face. Just then, Jungkook and his friends entered. I didn't notice immediately until I saw MInhyuk notice and sat up. I looked over and my smile immediately left, my body going rigged. I kept my eyes straight for the rest of the class, waiting impatiently for the bell to ring. When it finally rang, I shot up and out of the room (faster than Alexandra Reid in Rania can leave the stage during Demonstrate.....did that not bother anyone else? Sorry, back to the story) 

I tried to make it to my next class as quick as possible so that the day could go by quickly. But as I was in my Chemistry class, I dreaded what was to come next. Lunch. I would have no choice but to see him and I didn't want to. 
It hurt too much. 
When in the cafeteria, I tried to move as fast as possible so I could retreat to the library to eat in peace. I got my food and almost ran to the library. When I got in there, I relaxed at a table in the back and ate my food. When I was finished and everything was thrown away, I browsed around and look for a new book to read. Upon getting to the deep side of the realistic fiction section, I got sidetracked and didn't realize I was in plain view.
I looked to my left and saw Jungkook approaching, his eyes on me. I ducked into the book shelves again. I couldn't see him. Not now. Not ever again. It hurts too much. I heard the library door open and heard his voice. 

"(Y/N)-ah/yah?" I cringed softly at the sound of his voice. I heard footsteps get closer to where I was and I went in the opposite direction, hoping to escape. I grew more and more afraid. I have never been afraid of him. I don't know why I was acting this way. Less than a month ago, we were inseparable. But ever since our breakup, I can't so much as look at him without my heart sputtering.
"(Y/N)! Are you running from me?" I heard him say. I jumped, his voice sounding closer than I wanted. In my pursuit to get away from him, I made it to the front door when the bell rung and I bolted out, heading to my next class. I sighed when I made it to my class, out of breath. I was so happy I didn't have any other classes with him. I went about the rest of my day, more relaxed than usual. I never will understand why I'm so uneasy around Jungkook now. He has been my first with many things. Not only my first boyfriend, but my first kiss, my first....'time', my first love....

I sighed in yearning, resting my head down as I waited for my last class to finish. When the bell rung, I headed out and started heading home. I walked slowly, blending into the crowd easily. When I was halfway home, I realized something. 

I left my house keys. 

I sighed and headed back. When I made it to the school yard, everyone was gone. The entire lot was completely empty. I walked into the school and headed down the long corridor to my locker. I opened the locker, carefully twisting the knob and popping it open. I reached in and grabbed my keys and backpack.

"Why were you avoiding me earlier?"
I whipped around and came face to face with Jungkook. His face was serious, almost stone-cold.  My back pressed almost protectively against the locker. He watched me, expectantly. He wanted an answer.

"Uhh....what are you talking about?" I mumbled, unable to form a full thought other than that. Jungkook chuckled, darkly.

"I must have been hallucinating. It just seemed like you were avoiding me." He looked down, sheepishly. A small smile on his lips. I couldn't help but smile too. 
"So what did you want?" I asked him, my back no longer against the locker. 
"I was actually...about to ask for my hoodie back." 
My heart dropped. "The hoodie?" He nodded, holding out his hand. I hesitatingly unzipped it and slid the large hoodie off. I folded it and handed it to him, our hands momentarily touched. 

"Thanks." He smiled and walked off towards the back of the school, his footsteps echoing. I stood there, stunned. I sniffled and started out of the school in the opposite direction, preparing to face the cold without my only warmth. 

I entered my car. "Okay...I got the hoodie." I say, dejectedly. "Now....is she safe?" I asked Chae Young, glancing at her in my peripheral vision. My fake smile dripping off my face like bad oil.
"To some extent. You must avoid all contact with her. The Vargas will pursue her if they know she has anything to do with you." She told me. 

"I hate this. Why must she and I have to suffer because of some stupid rivalry my family has?" I looked at her.
"Its either this or risk her getting killed. You don't want that? Now do you?" She asked me, roughly. "She must have no tie to you in any way. And with that hoodie, your scent was all over her. They would've found her." 

I gulp, remembering the look of pain on (Y/N)'s face when I took the hoodie. I nodded. "Okay, I get it."

Chae Young sighed and put her hand on my shoulder. "I know you love her. She loves you too, I feel it whenever I see her. She emits that energy. But this is for the best." 

I looked at my eyes in my rearview mirror, the usually brown orbs glowing a golden topaz as I felt my heart ache. My mouth felt dry. Not only was this affecting me emotionally, it was physically torturing me. She was my strength. My weakness. My will to keep going. Without her, I felt like nothing. 

"Its for the best..." Thats what I told her when I ended our relationship.
I know this is to keep her safe. But, that doesn't change how much it hurts.

"Come on...lets go. We have to get home before the hunt tonight." She told me. I turned the key that was in the ignition and drove off quickly. 

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