|Pony-Bit| Unlucky {short story}

306 9 14

Third Person P.O.V.//:

Winter had just begun, as white specks started to fall from the sky. A bright blanket of white warmed the grass. The brightly colored leaves that had fallen from the trees were already buried beneath the piled-up snow. Anyone who was outside during this beautiful winter would be considered lucky, and Two-Bit and Pony were two of those few.

"Wait!" Two shouted to Pony, running up to their newly-made snowman with a fedora he had just found on the street. Laughter escaped from Ponyboy's lips, and he shook his head at Two-Bit.

"What's that for, Two?" Pony laughed some more after impaling the snowman with a stick for it's arm.

"Uh-it needs a hat, duh." He responded casually, almost offended as if it was obvious. Ponyboy snickered as Two-Bit placed the fedora carefully onto the snowman's head. Two stood back, admiring his work. He scratched his non-existent beard, then looked at Pony.

"What is it?" Pony asked him, cocking his head to one side.

"Well, don't you like it?" Two chuckled, gesturing to the snowman. He picked Pony up and swung him around, then placed him next to their creation. The youngest Curtis brother laughed while being swung, and looked back at Two-Bit.

"Yeah, Two. It's real nice," Pony answered, and also took a turn to admire their work. Two-Bit grinned and hopped next to Pony's side.

"See?! The hat's a nice touch, right?" He pat Pony's head, then wrapped his arms around him to make sure he was warm.

"Right, Two.  A real nice touch," Ponyboy chuckled, and held onto Two-Bit's arms. He smiled at Two, and stood with him in the snow, catching snowflakes with his eyelashes. Two-Bit's face was bright red, clearly affected by the weather. Nothing was really off about Pony, other than his ears that were redder than a fresh tomato.

"Told you, ha!" He laughed, smacking the kid gently on the head. While Pony rubbed the top of his head where Two had hit him, he chuckled, going along with Two.

"You weirdo," Pony shook his head at the elder man, who clearly had the maturity of an eight-year-old. 

"Eh, I may be a weirdo, but you love me," Two-Bit stuck his tongue out at Pony. Ponyboy's face quickly changed to an even brighter shade of red than his ears, but not because of the weather.

"Sh-shut up, Two-Bit!" He felt flustered, and made his way out of Two's embrace. Pony walked to the other side, where he was across from Two-Bit. "I told you t-to quit w-with that..." He stuttered even more, clearly embarrassed, which only made Two laugh more.

"You love me, you love me!" Keith's voice rang out, causing Pony to try and hide. Over and over, he repeated the words that made Ponyboy want to leave. 

"Shut it!" Pony ordered again, now hiding behind a small fort he made.

"OH!" Two-Bit shouted as he reached down and grabbed a handful of snow, quickly forming it into a ball. "SNOWBALL FIGHT!" He shouted even louder, and began to solid spheres of snow at Pony's fort. A small shriek emerged from where the poor boy was hiding, and a small snowball was flung into Two-Bit's direction.

"NO THANK YOU," Pony shouted to him, after running inside for hot chocolate. Two-Bit frowned and ran after him. 

"BUT WHAT ABOUT THE FIGHT?!" He pouted, whining about it. Two wanted to have some fun with Pony, but school never let the two be together. Now, the weekends was the only time they could really hang out, besides after school, so it made him pretty upset that Pony did not want to play.

"We can have hot chocolate instead, Two!" Pony laughed, then handed a whining Two-Bit a cup of hot chocolate that was filled with marshmallows. All that was heard was a large gasp from Two.

"Marshmallows?!" Two-Bit exclaimed happily. He quickly drank the steaming hot liquid, and his eyes showed it. They seemed to pop out of his head as he swallowed hard. "IT BURNS!" He shouted as he ran to the sink, scooping water and drinking it from his hands. Pony laughed at him while shaking his head.

"Guess you're just unlucky, Two-Bit," Pony laughed some more as he walked up to his friend. Two seemed to have regained normality (though Two-Bit was never normal) and was calming down. He shook his head at Pony and brought him in for a hug.

"I ain't unlucky, Pony. Cuz I got you, little guy." He smiled, as did Pony, and they both were kept safe in each other's warm embrace.

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