Chapter Four Dattebayo!

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait! I kinda ran out of ideas for this chapter... Hehe. *Grins sheepishly* Anyways~! This chapter is dedicated to babiigail coz she's just so beautiful (she said)... like a freakin' goddess (she said). Lol. >< Before this author's note gets awfully long, lets get on to the story!

Pic of Team Kaori minus Atsuko and Team Natsumi minus Miyu on the side! :) 

Disclaimer: I do not Naruto and its chracters. But I do own Team Kaori and Team Natsumi. (^^)V

***Natsumi, who was a jonin-level shinobi leads with her team consisting of her younger sister and two genins. They were sent on a joint mission with Konoha's Team Kaori, consisting of one jonin leader, one chuunin and two genins. 

"Hi, I am Kaori Shimizu. This is Atsuko Yamanaka, a chuunin. And this is Daichi and Yusei Yukimura, two genins. They are brothers. We are team Kaori."

"I'm Natsumi Matsumoto. This is Miyu Matsumoto, my younger sister. She's a chuunin. These are Hayato Maeda and Gamma Yamazaki, who are genins. We are team Natsumi."

The two jonin leaders explained the mission details to everyone and made a formation and strategy before going out of the village to begin their mission. After their second short break, they were ambushed by rogue ninjas and were forced to split. Natsumi were together with Daichi and Hayato, Kaori's with Gamma and Yusei, and Atsuko and Miyu, the two chuunins, were together.

Atsuko and Miyu were being engaged with a quick taijutsu fight with two ninjas. After they had defeated them, four others came. 

"Wind Style: Great Slashing Tornado!" Miyu shouted, swinging her sword, creating a minor tornado, which ensnares two of the opponents, damaging and cutting them and leaving them crashing into the ground after the tornado subsides.

"Mind Body Disturbance Technique," Atsuko said, performing a hand seal and taking control of the target and making it attack its ally.  After seeing the two opponents knocked out, Atsuko released the jutsu and rejoined with Miyu.

"How pathetic. I was expecting a rather formidable enemy," Atsuko said, her bored expression on.

"Heh. I bet Natsumi nee-chan and your sensei already knocked them out," Miyu said, flashing a wide smile to Atsuko, who just looked at her with the same expression and went on to go back with the team and finish the mission.***

 That was three years ago, and the two said chuunins are now jonins. They seen each other very often since the alliance with Suna and became friends.

It was night and Miyu was out for her mission concerning Konoha, which was given to her by Gaara three days ago which means that she should be in the fire country and nearing Konoha now. After a few minutes, she saw the big gates of Konoha. She was in front of it by now and entered after the ninja who was on guard duty let her in. Walking forward and turning to her left, she was surprised and saw Atsuko waving at her. 

"Welcome to Konoha once again, baka," Atsuko greeted Miyu and smirked.

"Oh shut up, teme. And don't call me baka," Miyu said and made a face at Atsuko.

"Then don't call me teme, then."

"Fine. I'm going to the Hokage and give her something. Wait for me outside her office and we can chat."

They headed for the office and Atsuko waited outside for a couple of minutes when Miyu came out with a stack of papers on her hands. Atsuko laughed at the look on Miyu's face since the papers were very heavy.

"Need help with that?" Atsuko asked, standing from her seat and taking half of the papers.

"Thanks, this shit is heavy," Miyu said which made Atsuko laugh. 

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