Ziall: These Feelings Called Love

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A/N: Hello!!  This is my first fanfic and I really hope you like it! :)  I'm not gona lie my writing defiently isn't perfect and my plots are all over the place, not to mention my spelling sucks :P It would mean so much if you reviewed and told me how I could improve, or tell me what I did well.  I'm kind of nervous cause this is my first fanfic and well, I'm not sure if anyone's gona like it, I felt like it was a little fast paced and poorly written, so yeah :/  Yes, this is Ziall which is boyxboy love, so if you don't like those kinds of things don't read it.  Please leave a comment/review, thanks!!

Niall's POV:

 The first thing I heard was the sound of chirping birds outside my window.  I slowly opened my eyes to find a pair of dark, chesnut brown ones staring back at me.

"So, you're finally awake?" Zayn asked.

God, his voice sounded so incredibly sexy in the morning.

"Yeah," I breathed, barely able to get the words out.

I wanted to tell him how much I loved him, how much I needed to be with him every second of the day.

"Niall, do you remember when we finally realized we were in love?" Zayn asked, a smile evident on his lips.  Oh, how badly I wanted to kiss him right then and there.  Then I thought, 'Why not?' He knew that I loved him. So I scooted closer to him on the bed, put one hand on his cheek and lightly brought my lips to his in a chaste kiss, he didn't hesitate to kiss me back.

After a few seconds I pulled away and smiled, then replied, "How could I forget?"


I couldn't take it, I needed to get out of that club.  I was so tired and drunk that I didn't even remember the name, or why we were here in the first place.  All I could think about was Zayn.

He was on the dance floor, arms wrapped around some girl.  Anger boiled up inside of me and I knew that I had to get out of there fast before my drunken mind would make me do something stupid.

I was in love with Zayn Malik.  Yes, I was in love with my best friend and fellow band mate....whose a guy. 

And it was crushing me from the inside out, knowing he would never love me, knowing I couldn't have him.  I promised myself I wouldn't ever tell him, it would ruin our friendship and the band would never be the same again.  But still, he didn't have to go play "lovey-dovey" with every girl he met.

I was so relieved when Liam walked over to me and said that it was time to go.  I didn't catch much after that but I think he said something about an interview tomorrow.

I watched him go over to Zayn and deliver the news.  Good, now he'll take his hands off that girl, I thought.

I was right, he said goodbye to the girl, but not before he leaned down and kissed her, by that point I was giving her the dirtiest look I could manage. If looks could kill, she would be dead twenty times over.

We left the club and hopped in the van, Harry and Louis in the back, Zayn and I in the front and Liam at the wheel.  "HARREHHH," Louis yelled.  "LOUEHHH" Harry replied.  They both went into a fit of uncontrollable laughter talking about something that happened at the club involving the D.J and a ping-pong ball. I gave up on trying to understand, they weren't exactly making sense, probably drunk as well. Oh well, Louis'll probably be talking about it all morning anyway.


We got back to the hotel room late that night.

"Goodnght," Liam said, going into Daddy Direction mode, "Remember boys, we have a big interview tomorrow, it starts at twelve and I want you all to get a good nights sleep."  "And you two," he exclaimed turning towards Harry and Louis," Are going to bed right now."

"But whyyy?" Louis whined.

"Cause out of all of us, your the hardest to get up," Liam said, grabbing them both by the collars of their shirts and dragging them upstairs.

  Zayn said he was going to be staying up a bit later, and I, not wanted to miss a second with him, stayed up as well, although every nerve in my body was begging me for sleep.

"Sooo..." Zayn started, breaking the awkward silence.

"Sooo..." I said, "Are you and that girl from the club, like a thing now?" I mentally punched myself for bringing up that horrid beast. But hey, at least I formed a proper sentence, right?

"Nahh, I'm not really interested in her, she's a bit too clingy, you know what I mean?" He said.

"Yeah," I said having know idea at all what he meant but relieved that I wouldn't have to see her with Zayn again.  A few minutes past, him leaning on the counter, and me sitting on the couch.  The silence was nice, but I found it harder and harder to stay awake.

"It's late, maybe we should get to bed too," He said.

"Good idea, I'm just a little hungry." I replied, getting up and trying to walk in a straight line to the fridge.

Zayn rolled his eyes, "You're always hungry Niall."

"Guilty as charged," I replied with a laugh.

As I was walking past Zayn I didn't notice the cord to the lamp was sprawled out on the ground.  My foot got stuck under it and I fell face first, crashing into Zayn.

"Ahh!" I yelled as we went down.  I landed on top of Zayn's chest with a thump.

I opened my eyes to find his face only inches from my own.  Immediatly my face heated up and I struggled to form an apology.

"Sorry..." I croaked out, still on top of Zayn.

"It's okay." He said.  Even though we were in a pretty awkward situation, his voice still sounded so smooth close to my ear, and his face was....perfection.

My body wouldn't move and I couldn't tear my eyes away from his beautiful features, I could see every eyelash, every turn and twist in his perfectly syled hair.  Our lips were so close, if I just moved in a couple of inches I would finally be able to feel them against my own.

No, I thought, that's your drunk brain talking Niall, think about the consequences.  I couldn't think of anything bad happening at the moment and it seemed like the right think to do, so I leaned in a little closer, our lips almost touching.

Then, I did something I promised myslef I would never do, I kissed him.

I kissed Zayn Malik.  And amazingly, he didn't pull away.

A/N:  So yeah that was the first chapter :)  I'll probably have more to come though (depends on how many people actually like it :P)  Plase read and review!!!! Thanks! :)

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