This is her fairytale

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The Blossoms left soon after Polly's little episode. She's the main star in this town. Her entire stage is what she wants. Nothing will come in between her and her dream.

I help my dad wash the dishes while the boys are upstairs in Kevin's room doing God knows what. My dad and I haven't really ever talked about my mother or uncle Denis since the accident. He's always secretive when it comes to things about her. But this time, it's my right to know.

"Dad?" I speak up suddenly.

I don't know whether I'm going to regret this or not.

Not hurt in trying right?


"Yes pumpkin?" My dad replies putting away the last plate in the dishwasher.

"What's going to happen to mom?" I ask him slowly.

Well I mean obviously she's going to jail. No doubt about that. But what going to happen to her. She will get out eventually and she will be pissed.

"Your mother's going to get help Erin. She's going to jail away from here, probably in Summersville, and she will get therapy. There she will spill all her little secrets to her therapist, who will tell us everything she says." My dad explains.

I think for a minute.

"I thought therapists weren't allowed to tell anyone anything their patient says?" I ask him questionably.

"This is different," He sights. "She will be thinking that rule applies to her. But since she still hasn't told anyone the reasoning for why she's done all those things, the court is making an exception for us to know."

I nod my head understandingly.

"I'm surprised you didn't get Anthony to do that." I tell him honestly.

"I never thought I would." My dad shrugs." Your thoughts are too pure honey, too innocent."

Oh dad, if only you knew.

I bid him goodnight and head upstairs into my room. Of course I didn't make it to my bed before having my crutches slip out from under me from cause of shock.

Sitting on my bay window is someone I thought I'd never see again.


"How did you get in here?" I whisper yell, pulling myself up with my crutches.

Harrison smirks and comes over to help me.

"Window." He says easily.

"I locked that." I say in disbelief.

"No you didn't." Harrison chuckles.

Of course I didn't. Because why would I? I'm just that stupid. Honestly is like I want to die at this point. Uncle Denis is still out there, and I leave my window unlocked.

Way to go Erin!

I start to chuckle a little and crutch over to my bed and pat the seat next to me for Harrison to sit. Which he does, hesitantly.

"Ya know I'm still pissed at you for not telling me Harrison." I confess smiling forward.

"I know." He sighs and lays down on my bed. "I  was just scared to tell you. You can't blame me. What I thought would happened totally got hit by a mile."

"I don't wanna loose you in my life. Even if it's not as a boyfriend." I tell him honestly.

"Erin, I know about Jason Blossom. His limo came through the South Side, and I caught of a glimpse of him. The whispers started and I already knew about you and him from previous mummers. I knew you would go back to him." Harrison releases.

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