Chapter 33

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Third Person's POV

'Game? This girl said this is a game? Wait... I should search my memories in my past life.... Ah... this world is that game that she forced me to play... My memories are a bit vague like always'

Miki began to think deeply as she used a bit of her intelligence. Everything is now solved in front of her. She always knew that this world has its own will. But this world can only control the role of the people.

It cannot control the people themselves, rather their role is what they control. It cannot control their decisions but who they are. If they are peasants, a noble or a royalty, it is predetermined by the world itself. And thanks to it, it can almost control the destiny itself

Everything is already laid before Miki and do only thing to do is to wait, analyze and do what she is supposed to do.

Miki suddenly runs to the other room. Her presence is too low that even Luke cannot notice her. That's why she doesn't need to worry. The only thing to do now is to listen.

She uses a eavesdropping device (she made the device and it's doesn't need mana) that she put in the club room to hear what they are talking about.

Miki knew how many friends did Luke have and it can only result in to two. That cunning prince and the perfect marquis' daughter. Miki even think that Luke is lucky enough to have two friends rather one.

Miki stopped thinking again and head back to eavesdropping them. 

Theresa's POV

At the moment, I suddenly heard the door open and stood up. The one who opened the door is none other than Luke.

But the expression on his eyes is different. It's like the one he is expecting to be here is different. He suddenly turned back to his indifferent expression that he always used.

"Good evening, Luke-sensei. This one is sorry for entering here without your permission" I said as I bowed.

It wasn't easy to get his sincerity. I have to befriend with him without taking my mask off. I have to be a perfect lady. If I didn't, everything I did will fall apart. Everything I done for is just to save him.

I want to save him, that's why I accepted the role of the heroine. 

"Good evening, Theresa-sama. What do you need?" he said with a smile.

My heart was suddenly pierced by his smile. It was not the usual smile he gave. It was a smile with sincerity. Though I knew he only sees me as his friend. I'm quite happy for him to show me a different smile. A smile he only shows to his friends...

"You can drop the formality. And can I not visit my friend without a reason?" 

I cannot help but follow the scenario in the game. Sometimes I did, sometimes I don't. It's because I want him to know the real me even though it's just a mask. It's better than knowing the heroine in-game only. I want him to know the real me not her.

He looks at me as if he doesn't believe what I just said.

Really... I really cannot hide my intention, can I? I slightly laugh as I hide my mouth with a fan.

"As expected of you. Gabriel-sama wants us to have a picnic with the other nobles"

"A gathering? *Sigh* I hate when it's a gathering of nobles"he finally relax in front of me.

I find it cute when I see him being relax around me. I am now, blindly in love with him. It'll be hard to forget him. That's why I'll continue to wait... 

I laughed again and tilted my head. Every moment I share with him, I found it precious.

I observed him as I smile in my heart. He really doesn't want to go. Even I don't want to go. It'll be more harder to put up an act in a crowd.

I guess I'll put away this mask of mine just for this time...

"Then, do you want to not attend with me?" I said with a smile

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