My New and Improved Life? chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I awoke in a strange room. My first thoughts were ones of horror, what happened to me? Who did this to me? Who knocked me out? And did they do anything else to me while I was out? I started taking note of what my surroundings were, I did this slowly and carefully, I didn't want anyone or anything to realize I was awake and then they really hurt me or try something. I was in a dimly lit room, the walls reminding me of a log cabin, there were some paintings on the walls, the only light in the room was one of those side table lamps, you know the ones that don't let off a lot of light but still give you at least a little bit. There were no windows, or if there were they were covered up by something. In other words, I was trapped, with only one way out, the door. I knew if I got up and tried it I would be done for, either that or I would be dead. No one goes through the trouble of kidnapping someone without having a purpose, insane or not. Wait a second, they didn't kidnap a person, and they kidnapped a wolf. Who kidnaps a wolf? 'Wait, I'm not a wolf anymore' I think to myself. I look down and see my own two hands and feet. I jumped nearly to the roof as I saw something flash by one of the walls, as I looked over I saw that it was a mirror, what had really flashed was my own reflection. As I looked into the reflection I realized o was naked! As I realized this I heard the door knob turning, I made a run for the bed and grabbed up the blanket that was covering me when I woke up. Just as I got the blanket secure around me, I looked up and into the face of an angel, at least that is what I thought of seeing him, but wait there was two of them! A boy and a girl, strawberry blonde hair, olive rich skin tones and I kid you not angelic looks on their faces, well the girl anyway, the boy looked as if I was troubling him some how. 'I wonder why and how I am' I thought to myself, I didn't even know these people. The girl came closer as if I would run away from her approaching me, I realized that I did have an instinct to run away and hide, at least under the bed. The boy, who as I got a better look didn't look too much like his accomplice, saw me take a look towards the bed as if I was going to make a run for it, just as I was about to, the girl caught me by the waist, 'wow she's super strong' I thought to myself. The girl laughed as if I had said that out loud. 

"no honey, you did not think that out loud, we just have impeccable hearing." She said to me as if reading my mind was the most normal thing to do with someone you had just kidnapped. "Now dear, don't think that way, we just didn't want you to have to travel any farther than you had to. We knew you were coming all along, we just didn't know when, we also didn't know how you would react to two different kinds of wolves following you and trying to get you back to safety. Now my name is Elaina and this is my brother and pack-mate, Eric. As you may see we are twins, and we also mean you no harm." 

The man, Eric as the girl, Elaina, had pointed out, shifted as if he was uncomfortable being in the room while she was talking to me. "She doesn't mean you and harm, I on the other hand realize that if you harm me or my sister or even yourself while in our care, I will mean you harm. I do not want you here and will not waste a second if you harm either of us. Is that understood?"  

I realized that he was waiting on an answer and I was wasting time and daydreaming, one of my many problems I have, I get distracted too easily and can not focus. "Yes, I understand" Eric shifted as if my voice startled him, maybe he didn't realize that I didn't care what he thought and that I would end up doing what I wanted. 

The girl, Elaina, broke the awkward silence, "O-kaye then, now that that is settled we can tell you what we meant by that last comment of mine." I just looked at her funny. Maybe she realized that I didn't want to hear what they had to say, I just wanted to get out of here and go back home, but wait a second, I didn't even know where I was to begin with. As if answering my question, "O, by the way, you are in Arkansas, almost to Missouri"  

I spoke without thinking about what I was going to say, another bad habit of mine, "HOLY CRAP! I ran all the way from Louisiana? How?" after that I just spoke in broken sentences, who, what, when, how, why? I didn't even see Eric's hand fly out to the side until it was too late.  

Just as I passed out, I heard them talking.  

Elaina: Why did you have to do that? Now we will have to wait until she wakes up again to explain! 

Eric: Why do you care? Do you really think her dad is going to let us into his pack just because we brought his long-lost daughter back? 

After that I didn't hear what was next. My world went black once again and for the second time today, 'god I hate this already.' I thought as I went out like a light.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2012 ⏰

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