My New and Improved Life?

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Running. That's all I knew to do. I didn't have a place to run to or even any idea of where I was running, all I knew was that I had to get away. I had to run, as far away as my legs could take me, but wait, I didn't have legs anymore, I had limbs.

No, that couldn't be, but it was, I had not two regular, human legs, but in their place four animal-like limbs.

No, this couldn't be, I'm just having a night-mare, ill wake up tomorrow and this will all be back to normal, I will be 16 almost 17 again and i will have an amazing and understanding mother and father, yes all families have their problems, but mine didn't really count as problems in my eyes.

My mother and father had been split up for as long as I could remember and she had her own new love interest, her and her girlfriend had been together for as long as I could remember also.

Yes, of course I still fought with them every now and then, all of them, mother, father, and step-mother. But they were all I have, well had.

I had a sister as well, the black sheep you could call her, she was out there sure, but she also always wanted to be there for you whenever you needed her, that was the case with all my family though. They were always there for you.

Anyways, back to me, I realized at once that this wasn't a dream, I still couldn't believe it though, me? How could I have four limbs? That's not humanly possible is it? No, I don't want this, none of this.

I don't want to have to leave my family, friends, house, clothes, music, movies, and even my pets, and it wasn't fair! Why was I the one who had to go through this? And on top of that how did I go through this?

I always liked the paranormal and the unexplained; it looked to be as if now I was going to be part of both of those categories.

I couldn't believe what I was even seeing, my okay, albeit normally short legs had formed into two back hind-legs and they were multicolored. White based and then any shade of brown and black you could imagine.

My arms, which I loved to accessorize with different bracelets and other kinds of jewelry were two fore-limbs, they looked almost identical to my back ones.

I finally come across a ravine, 'wait a second' I thinking to myself, 'there is not a ravine anywhere near my house or even in the same county. Where am I?'

I look down into the ravine after I fill up my dehydrated body, or what used to my body, now it is just some form that totally eludes me. As I look down at myself, what I see takes me aback so suddenly that I stumble.

I see in place of where my head should be a dog's head that is about the same size of my German Sheppard Japanese Akita mix.

In place of where my medium length, auburn/brown hair is I'm dosed with fur, multicolored just like my legs and body, spots of different colors everywhere. I still have my eyes though, that is the only thing I get to keep? My eyes?

The one thing I would want to change and it turns out that even when something happened to me and I turn furry with four, I repeat four limbs, I still get the sucky eyes that I have always thought were boring?

This defiantly sucked! I'm so wrapped up in my own appearance or lack there of, that I don't even realize that I am not alone anymore, I start to turn and look in the direction of where I can feel another heart beat and... 


That was the last thing I heard before I was tackled from behind and my world went blank.


Hope you enjoyed and hope to get comments and votes! =)

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