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I groaned at the sound of my alarm clock. Then I remembered that today was the first day of high school. The thought made me groan even louder as I started getting ready.

I pulled on black high-waist pants and a grey crop top along with my black combat boots, my usual outfit. Then I ran to the kitchen while putting my long, wild red hair in a ponytail, pouring myself some milk and cheerios in a bowl, and started munching wildly.

Right after I sat down the bus was already waiting for me outside, so I gulped down the rest of the milk, slung my backpack over my right shoulder, and threw my nerd glasses on while running outside to the bus.

The bus had just closed the entrance thingy-majigy as I arrived at the vehical. Walking in, I saw the bus driver's face had been flood with disgust. As I walked down the bus aisle, I spotted my friend from last year when we were juniors, and sat down.

"Hey did you do that summer project thing know, the one for reading I think it was", I said playing with her black curls."Nope", she replied with a smug look on her face.

"Me neither!", I said as we burst into laughter, knowing how dumb it was for them to expect us to do school work over the summer

Yeah right!

We got caught up on the basic parts of our summer vacation when we went to a familiar stop I remember from last year. It was Wyatt's house.

Once he came in, he sat right across from us, which was practically right next to me with only the foot long aisle separating us. I turned to Hailey to find her smirking while I was hiding my face so nobody could see that my face was blushing to it's fullest capacity, feeling Wyatt stare right through my soul.

He had this cute shaggy brown hair, always wore a pair of khaki shorts, a polo shirt, and his sparries with green outlining. His cheeks were always slightly pink, as if he were wearing blush and he was so adorable I died inside every time I saw him.

If only he was mine.

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