Sweet Dreams, Evangeline.

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Chapter One

Friday, September 19, 2028

Stan was chasing her around their backyard. Her dark hair was flying in the wind, running as fast as her slightly chubby little legs would take her. It was Stan's three and a half year old daughter, Evangeline. 

"Can't catch me, Daddy!" she said, squealing and laughing.

"Betcha' I can!" Stan screamed, chasing after his laughing daughter. He chased even faster after her, making Evangeline laugh even harder. "I'm gonna getcha'!" Stan said, laughing. Evangeline squealed again, until her dad caught her and picked her up. He held her up high in the air and spun around with her.

"Look, Daddy! Look!" Evangeline cried out, giggling. "I'm flying, I'm flying!" Stan laughed, and they fell on the soft grass together, laughing Evangeline crawled onto Stan's chest and Stan wrapped his arms around her. After a while, but not before some tickle fights, he carried her inside where her other father, Kyle, was waiting for them.

"Come here, sweetie." Kyle said, softly smiling. Stan set her down and she ran to Kyle. Kyle picked her up, and kissed her cheek. He gave her a cookie and some milk. After eating it, Evangeline yawned and lied her head on Kyle's shoulder, sucking her thumb. Her turquoise eyes were only half open.

"I'm tired, Dada.." she said softly.

"Come on then, let's get you to bed." Kyle said softly, smiling at his adorable daughter.

Kyle carried Evangeline upstairs, and Stan followed them. Kyle lied her on her Finding Dory bedspread and tucked her in.

"Daddy, Dada, can you read me a story," Evangeline asked.

"Of course, angel baby," Kyle said. "Which one do you want tonight?"

"I want Princess and The Frog, Daddy," Evangeline said with a giggle. "Tiana is my favorite!"

After Stan and Kyle were done reading, Evangeline was sleeping like a baby. They smiled at the sight of it. She was so cute when she was asleep.

"Sweet dreams, Evangeline." Kyle whispered, kissing her cheek.

"Sleep tight, kiddo." Stan said. They both walked out of her room together, hand in hand. They closed Evangeline's door, shared a few kisses, and went to bed.

                                                . . . . . . . . .

Monday, March 25, 2031

Stan and Kyle were sitting next to each other in their cell. Extremism had taken over the nation. Far-right Christian extremists had banded together to make the country theirs again. They held protests demanding that "religious freedom" laws passed, which allowed the separation between church and state to be abolished and turned the nation's government into a theocracy. Within three years, they had won their battle. The democratic basis of the United States' government was toppled and the Bible became the new constitution. Therefore, homosexuality was illegal and punishable with life in prison or execution; hence, Kyle and Stan were imprisoned.

They were separated from Evangeline, and they were put in prison like many others. There was but one flickering light bulb in their cell. There were no beds, no toilets, just a large hole in the floor. Every cell in the prison was like this. They had lived in the cell ever since the extremists had taken over the nation.

"Stan..." Kyle whispered.

"What's wrong?" Stan asked.

"Do you.... do you think Evangeline is okay," he asked, tears filling his eyes. Stan sighed and, holding in his tears, wrapped his arm around his husband.

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