Ch. 9

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Previously on I'm a Slave to a vampire prince...

The royal family. Is now happy with their lives, after it's has been a year they joined King Thomas and Queen Amelia and their children.

Annabell is turned 16, Tommy and Frank are now 14, Ally is at the age to get a job which is age 13, Marie is 12, Kai is 11, Nia is 10, Landon is 8, Zoey is 5, and Mark is 2.

On that day. A prince enters the castle. The prince is from the northwest kingdom. The king called him Daniel. Daniel wouldn't let the royal family break the rules of King Thomas having 10 children that are human. Daniel didn't care that Ally was part of the royal family. He thought humans were still humans if taken in by a vampire and still being human.

Once Daniel and Ally got back to the northwest kingdom. Daniel told Ally that she was going to be his sex slave, at the end of the day Daniel took Ally back to his room and had sexual content with Ally.

What happens now is Ally okay...


The next day

A long night in the northwest kingdom. Prince Daniel and Ally lay in Daniel room trying to catch their breath. Daniel went downstairs to grab them breakfast. Everyone in the castle knew not to disturb Daniel if he is in his room with one of the slaves. Ally missed her siblings a lot. When Daniel got back to the kitchen his parents were eating at the table.

"Morning Daniel, how is the new slave doing" his mom asks.

"She turns out to be my soul mate. I'm keeping her as a Slave until I feel enough that she will make a perfect queen" Daniel tells them.

"That is understandable son, we don't blame you, what do you think of us hosting a ball when we do the ruling for you to become king" his father asks.

"I like that idea dad, thank you once I feel that Ally is ready to be my Queen, I'll mark her and then we can have the ball" Daniel tells him. Both his parents nod, and walk to the throne room and get ready to meet some of the towns people that come in to get something.

Daniel walks back into his room, seeing Ally is nowhere to be seen, then he notices the bathroom light is on, he runs over to the bathroom, his eyes turn black getting worried about Ally. "Ally are you okay in there" Daniel asks her.

"Can you come in here please" Ally tells him, sitting on the sink, Daniel enters the bathroom and looks at her. "Daniel I'm pregnant with your child" Ally tells him.

Daniel eyes light up. His eyes go back to normal. He hugs her and sways her back and forth. "That's amazing Ally, are you okay, do you need anything" Daniel asks.

"Yes, I'm fine can I have something to eat" Ally asks him.

"Yes of course, follow me and we can get you some food" Daniel tells her, once they left the bathroom and leave the room and heads down to the kitchen. Ally sits at the kitchen table waiting for Daniel to get back from telling the servants to make food. "I ordered the servants to make you healthy food for our baby, I asked King Thomas if he could come here to the castle tonight for supper with your siblings" Daniel tells her.

"When will we tell your parents" Ally asks.

"Tonight at supper, when your family comes for supper, we will tell everyone then" Daniel tells her.

"Does this also mean, I'm still your sex slave" Ally asks. Daniel shakes his head, then the servants bring in the food for Ally.



Servants got to doing there job making a meal 17 people for dinner. The other vampires were out on dates with tbeir soul mates. Annabell, Tommy, Frank, Marie, Kai, Nia, Landon, Zoey, Mark, Faye, William, King Thomas, and Queen Amelia enter the huge dinning room.

Daniel and Ally get up from their seats and hug them. Everyone was happy to see Ally happy and in good shape. Daniel mom and dad enter the dinning room shaking hands with Ally family. Everyone sits down at the huge dinning table. "Okay mom dad, Ally siblings and parents, Ally and I have a big announcement to tell all of you" Daniel says.

Everyone looks at them, and waits to see what they got to tell them. "The both of us found out day as well and we wanted everyone to find out at the same time so no one gets mad" Ally says. "So our big announcement is, I'm pregnant" Ally tells them.

Everyone looked at them with big smiles on their face and hugs them both. "So son does this mean you will let us host the ball" Daniel mom asked him.

"Yes, mom and I want all of you to be there" Daniel tells them.

I'm a Slave to a vampire prince #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now