The Challenge

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It was already the day of the first challenge, and the workroom was full of busyness. It was a sewing challenge, and no queen had time to stand around. Everyone was worrying about something. Everyone, that is, except for Roxxxy, and Detox had expected as such. Roxxxy's talent truly shined whenever she was in front of a sewing machine. Give her any kind of fabric and she would make it into anything you wanted her to make, from day drag to ball gowns.
Despite trying so hard to focus on her outfit, two things kept distracting Detox. The first, Serena ChaCha bragging about how she went to art school, and the second was the construction on her friend's mannequin. It was a stunning black dress, cut perfectly to show off Roxxxy's natural curves. Oh, how she envied Roxxxy's curves. While Detox was pumped full of silicone from ass to lips, everything in Roxxxy's body was completely natural, yet somehow also so feminine. She rarely wore corsets and never padded, wanting to make sure everyone knew what it means to be thick and juicy.

Elimination day came far too soon; tensions were high in the workplace as everyone lined up in their outfits. Wether they liked it or not, one of them was going home. Detox glanced around, trying to guess where everyone would place. Lineysha had a ballgown made from wallpaper. It was impressive, sure, but the piece around her waist was way too big and very unflattering. As much as Serena had bragged about going to art school, her "dress" looked like something a five year old would make. Monica's was cute, but it wasn't exactly red carpet. Jinkx's outfit was fine, but her makeup was terrible, terrible, terrible. Alaska made another dress out of trash bags, how original. Detox rolled her eyes as she realised how many downright bad looks were being turned as they were all called to start lining up.

"Okay, first up..." the producer called, looking at his list. "Miss Roxxxy Andrews."

Detox's loose jaw almost dropped as Roxxxy passed. Somehow, her dress looked even better on her than it did on the mannequin. To compliment the dark fabrics, Roxxxy's face was painted with gorgeous black eyeshadow and lip stick, something she rarely wore, and the cuts she made in the dress to show off her hips left everyone gagging in the best way possible. Nobody was going to be able to live up to that, and her going first only made everyone else even more nervous.

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