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A week after the destruction of Honno-ji, I was back in Iga, along with what was left of our army. Our first days back were the hardest. We spent hours on end burying the dead and giving proper recognition to everyone who had given their lives in the war.

Even as we mourned, we watched attentively as the struggle for power over our battered country continued. Political turmoil still surrounded the throne, and this was only multiplied at the discovery of Nobunaga's death. Nobukatsu was missing as far as the rest of the world knew, but the unmarked grave in the forest outside of Iga told us exactly where he was, and that he was definitely not coming back. Mitsuhide was arrested for treason and murder shortly after Honno-ji burned to the ground, and it was anyone's guess which powerful lord would try to take the throne next. Once it was decided that none of the likely up-and-coming rulers posed a serious threat to the ninja way of life, we could finally relax and take a moment to breathe.

Though the war was finally coming to a close and my role as the ninja princess was technically over, most people still treated me like some level of royalty, despite my protesting. Even so, I did my best to prove myself useful outside of a symbolic position by helping in any way I could to prepare for the greatest celebration that Iga had ever seen.

And a truly great celebration it was. The festivities lasted for days, and they lifted the spirits of the people who had suffered so much at the mercy of the war. It was in these throes of celebration and happiness that I was finally able to tell Elder Chie what had happened at the temple, and how my memories had been restored to me. She carefully listened to every word and swore to me that my story would be recorded.

"If not for posterity and tradition's sake," she had told me with a wink, "then just in case the need for another Kusonoki legacy arrives in the future, and they too are lacking in some aspect of themselves."

It was also during the celebration that I was able to catch up with Chiyo and tell her all that had happened to me since I had last seen her. In turn, she also revealed to me with a shy smile that she could finally be with Goemon openly. Sure enough, in the days afterwards as the partying wound down, I often saw her and Goemon hand in hand, walking through the courtyards together. It made me happy to know that people could still have happy endings despite all the bloodshed that had taken place.

Shortly after the celebration finally ended, Kuma revealed to me that she was finally planning on telling Hanzo how she felt about him. Every once in a while, she would ask me for advice and brought her worries to me. I gladly did my best to answer her questions, but I gave her fair warning that I didn't know much more than she did about this sort of thing. Still, it was heart-warming to see her so giddy with excitement. Despite her fears, I had a strong feeling that Hanzo would not reject her, and I knew that he would do well by her.

However, as the days went by and things settled down, I found that the lovely, golden feeling that had covered me with warmth during the celebration had begun to fade away. The next thing I knew, things went back to the way they were even before I had come to Iga, and I no longer knew what to do with myself. I kept up training in combat just to have something to do, but there were no more preparations to make or troops to visit, and I found myself going a bit stir-crazy in the strangeness of this calm environment. Of course, I was overjoyed to finally have some peace, but it was still an odd feeling. I wasn't so antsy whenever Saizo was around, but he still had responsibilities to take care of with Hanzo and the others, but the same could not be said for me since my presence was no longer required at their meetings. As the days dragged on, it seemed that the only reminder I had of my former position and involvement was the necklace that hung heavy around my neck.

As so, with nothing better to do, my listless behavior was the reason I ended up outside on a warm, sunny afternoon, casually wondering, "what's next?"

I sat on the cool grass with my arms propping me up as I leaned back to look at the sky, musing over the future and enjoying the sunshine. True to his nature, I hardly noticed when Saizo approached me and sat down beside me.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked, joining me in staring up at the sky.

My gaze flickered to him and I sighed, looking back up just in time to see Hayatemaru circle overhead and dive towards us, perching on Saizo's shoulder.

"The future," I replied honestly, "Saizo... are we going to stay here forever?"

Saizo chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, making his hair flutter lightly with the motion. "Now that you mention it, I was actually looking for the opportunity to talk to you about that. I was hoping that you would travel back to Kawachinokuni with me... to ask your grandfather for your hand in marriage."

I smiled broadly, only a little surprised at the revelation.

"Saizo Kirigakure," I gasped, dramatically placing my hand over my heart, "are you proposing to me?"

Saizo smiled and wrapped his hand around mine.

"I am. My work here will be done in a few days, and I will be ready to leave whenever you are. I have no dowry to pay, but I hope you'll have me anyways."

I laughed quietly at that. As if dowries mattered to my grandfather, a priest, who's only material wealth lay in the clothes he wore on his back and what few necessities he kept in his chambers at the temple.

"I suppose that's a sacrifice I'll have to make," I joked, before answering seriously, "Yes, Saizo. I will marry you, and I will go to Kawachinokuni with you to receive my grandfather's blessing. It will be good to see him again..." I trailed off, thinking of all the time that had passed since I'd last seen my grandfather. I had grown so much since my journey started, and I couldn't wait to catch up with him and be home once again.

"I was also hoping that, after we visit Kawachinokuni, you would be willing to go to Koga with me? It is my home, after all, and I would like it to be yours as well, if that's alright with you." Saizo's kind and hopeful eyes pulled at my heartstrings. Going to live in Koga had never crossed my mind before, but I supposed it would make sense. Of course, it would be difficult to live away from grandfather again, but I would be alright so long as Saizo was there with me.

"For you, Saizo, I would go to the ends of the earth and back again."

Saizo smiled softly, a look that had at first been unfamiliar to me, but I was now glad to say that it was no longer so rare of an expression. He leaned towards me and Hayatemaru squawked, taking off into the sky. As he kissed me under the open sky, I knew with all of my heart that, wherever Saizo was, that was where I belonged.

"I love you, Misaki," Saizo whispered, his voice gentle as the breeze.

"I love you too."

○ ○ ○   THE END   ○ ○ ○

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