Hidden Amoung the Sunflowers: Russia

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 Little suns supported by thick, leafy green stalks reached into the sky above you and hid you from sight. There were no more critical eyes lingering on your all-black silver studded attire, no patronizing whispers that seemed to follow you everywhere. You could relax now. You were alone.

 You laid down on the ground, looking up at the sky through the forrest of sunny plants. You felt like an ant, small and unnoticed amoung the giants. It was a nice feeling. Warm rays of sunlight carressed your pale skin, lullng you into a peaceful sleep.

 The feeling of being watched aroused you from your dreams and back to the real world. when your vision cleared it was filled with an innocent round face, barely visible through the dark shroud of night that had fallen over the earth as you slumbered away. "You are wakink up now, da?" Though the face belonged to a chld, the soft, yet powerful voice and the big strong hands gently shaking your forearm were that of a man.

 You sat up drowsily, trying to get your bearings. Tall, gangly shadows surrounded you and you realized you were still in the sunflower field. It also occured to you that you might be tresspassing on this man's property.

 You stood and brushed the dirt from your clothes and your long, jet black hair. "Sorrry to intrude," you said briefly before turning to leave.

 "If you are intrudink then I am intrudink as well," said the strange boy-man.

 "Right, well we better go before the owner finds us stomping around in his garden," you said, watching him from where you stood a few feet away.

 He made no move to follow you out.He remained sitting perfectly still on the ground with his legs crossed in front of him. Without trning to look at you he said, "You can leave if you want, but I am stayink here." Now that your eyes had adjusted to the absence of light, you could see that his features were composed into and unreadable mask.

 That bland expression was starting to creep you out so you decided it was time to leave. "Yeah...well, bye." With those words you were gone in the maze of sunflowers. You wandered around for hours trying to find you way out, thinking, 'How did I get so lost?'

 Finally, you ended up right where you started with the man with the plastic face sitting right where you had left him. You wondered if he had moved at all while you were gone. "You are back again, da?" he said, giving you a smile pleasant enough to send shivers down your spine.

 "I guess so," you said warily. Normally, your best option would be to wait until sunrise so you could see where you were going but you didn't exactly favor the prospect of spending several hours alone in the dark with this guy. He reminded you of one of those psycho murders in scary movies who were nice and friendly until the very end when they poisoned you and stuffed you.

 'Don't be ridiculous!' you scolded yourself, forcing yourself to sit down beside him.

 Silence pressed down on you from every direction while the other guy didn't seem to mind the quiet. Just when you thought you couldn't take it, the man finally said something. "You aren't much fun. Why don't you say somethink?"

 You were shocked by this blunt statement and the fact that he kept right on smiling peacefully even as he said this. YOu shrugged it off as if it didn't bother you. "What do you want me to say?"

 "Tell me your name," he said. He was looking at you now and you had to fight the urge to squirm under his intense gaze.

 "It's _____," you said, forcing yourself to meet his stare.You even managed to throw his creepy smile right back at him with one of your own.

 "That is a lovely name," he said, finally looking ahead again.

 "Aren't you going to introduce yourself?" you prompted. If he wanted to play, you were more than willing.

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