Humanity's Decent into Madness ~ 01

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Running, always running away. Trying to hide from her and him. I'm afraid she, and along with everyone has lost their heads. Am...I...the only...sane one? The alarms? The sound of the intercom came on as I looked both directions to see if I was still being chased. "Hello Alice! My dear sweet Alice! Why do you run from us? Why?!? You can run all you want Alice but, you can't hide!" the male voice said as he began to laugh, a sinister and cold laugh.

"Now Alice stop this nonsense and come back!" This time the voice was not a male voice but, a young girls voice. Her voice had an eeriness to it. "I have to get out of" I said in a whisper. I began to run, looking for the exit. 'Where is it?'  I thought to myself. Then I froze I heard the heavy steps of steel toed boots. I saw a girl, one of the maids bump into them.

"Where is Alice?" The one guard asked. "I-I-I don't know, I haven't seen her." Her voice was shaky and filled with terror. I heard one of the guards click his guns. My eyes widened as I bravely peered out. She began to tear up. "Please don't kill me I don't know where she is! Please don't kill me!" I watched in horror as he put the gun to her head and, pulled the trigger.  The sound was gut wrenching and grotesque.

"Come now men you can't find one girl without killing someone? Well I guess it can't be helped. " He laughed. I gritted my teeth. I could feel my anger surge. I grabbed the bomb that I had stolen and set it, for thirty minutes. I then neatly attached it to my leg and covered it with my dress. "I'm here..." I said confidently as I stepped into their sights.

"Alice!" The boy said as he walked over to me. He was about 5'9 in height, had blonde hair with side swept bangs and crimson eyes.  "My dear Alice!" he wrapped his arms around me.  I looked up and smiled as he broke the hug. I had the gun behind my back ready to shoot him. But I felt someone grab it out of my hand. I looked over my shoulder to meet the eyes of the scary little girl who was on the intercom.

"Hello Alice! You're not going to be needing this right and you're staying this time right?" She said as she pressed the gun to my head.  "Now come my dear we've gotten everything we could've ever wanted. We got rid of your parents and took over the government. We're going to rule over this place with an iron fist you, me and Harriet. With this new acquired power we can live forever. " He said sounding as if he were an angel sent from God. My expression and voice went as cold as ice. "I hate you both, your nothing but traitors. William your nothing but a power hungry monster just like your father. Harriet your just as bad. Killing our parents in cold blood and for what? Power? A country? Ruling? Our parents weren't mad, they knew the truth about the power they discovered, they knew it was dangerous that's why they tried to destroy it!  It eats your sanity and turns you into a monster!"

Harriet began to laugh. Then caught her breath, her expression turned cold."Our parents were stupid Alice! Don't keep believing in the lies they told you and I! They were mad to turn down this power! They deserved to die! They deserved much worse then they got!  Just think of it, having the chance to have this power then just tossing it aside like it was nothing!" She said as if she had not an inch of guilt left in her.

She had hate burning in her eyes and voice. William signaled the guards to take me. They were strong enough to lift me up off the ground. William patted my sister's shoulder and told her to calm down. They began to whisper. The only reason I'm not dead is because William wants me to become a part of this new government, they also want me to try this power that my parents tried so hard to destroy.

Another reason is because he's in love with me, the feeling isn't mutual. As I'm being carried off I wondered, where did it go wrong? When did this conspiracy happen? How did it happen? As I ponder these questions I began to remember where, why, when, what and how it happened. It was about one year ago, my parents were scientist for the royal court and had been sent out to find this unusual energy that had been picked up on my parents equipment.

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